Reach for the Stars — Version 2

It’s official. I have decided to make a second version — along with my first — of Reach for the Stars, the sampler series quilt introduced in the Oct./Nov. 2013 issue of Quilter’s Newsletter magazine. Last week I started playing with fabrics in my stash from the William Morris-inspired lines by Barbara Brackman for Moda and wound up making a sample block, hoping to tempt my friend Colleen into dipping into her stash of Morris fabrics and joining the small band of quilters who are Reaching for the Stars. And my ploy worked! This quilt is now on Colleen’s to-do list.

Once I had one block made, I couldn’t resist the temptation to make another one. Here is my Block 2:

RFTS Wm Morris Block 2
Verson 2, Block 1

Do any of you recognize that print in the corner blocks? It’s been in my stash for at least 15 years. Here is Block 2 on point . . .

RFTS Wm Morris Block 2 on point
Properly on Point

. . . and here are Blocks 1 and 2 together:

RFTS Wm Morris Blocks 1 and 2 on point
Fussy-Cut Centers in Both Blocks


The palette is quite subdued, especially compared to the bright greens and aquas in my Version 1 . . .

RFTS medallion and 4 blocks
To Date: One Center Medallion and Four Blocks

. . . but I think Version 2 will be very pretty, don’t you?






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6 Responses to Reach for the Stars — Version 2

  1. Terr McBride says:

    Both of your versions are beautiful and very different, the fabric in your second one is so stunning.

  2. Sherri says:

    Love BOTH of them. You are quite brave to make it twice!
    I love how the colors interact with each other.
    I can’t wait to see what’s next.

  3. Colleen says:

    Wow! Your second block is stunning. I can hardly wait to dig in and see what my fabric selection turns out to look like. I love that piece you use in the corners. It has been hanging around for 15 years?!! It is perfect in color and texture.

  4. Yvonne says:

    Love both of these color blocks.
    Wish I had your color skills. … LOL

  5. Gail says:

    Very pretty! I love the center square in Block #2 – gorgeous, especially on point!

  6. Jennifer Thacker says:

    Dawn, all your work is so beautiful! I really like all your fabric and color selections for both quilts that you are making. I just looked at Jennifer’s 5th block. So stunning! I am jealous of both of you for the great work you are doing. I hope I can catch up this weekend at retreat. Thanks for all your tips on the road to a great RFTS quilt (s)!

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