Summer All Year ‘Round

A lot of folks think that summer ends with Labor Day. Here in the Pacific Northwest, where it usually doesn’t feel like summer till well after the Fourth of July, we hang on to summer as long as we can, and we are often rewarded with a few more weeks of glorious weather. The advent of fall is measured not so much by a holiday or page on a calendar as it is by the first evening we reluctantly close the windows and turn the heat on.

Fall officially begins tomorrow, Sept. 22. It will be nine long months before we can celebrate the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. You can bet I am savoring every ray of sunlight, even as the days grow noticeably shorter and the nights noticeably cooler.

In the middle of winter, when it’s raining and already dark by 5 pm, I want to remember what the tomatoes from our garden looked, smelled and tasted like just minutes off the vine . . .

summer bounty


. . . and what the hydrangeas in the back yard looked like at 9 pm in the middle of July:

summer beauty


Happily, I just finished making an apron for myself that combines all of the colors in the photos above, so I can carry a bit of summer with me all year ’round:

Dawn’s Monterey Bay Apron





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