More 4-Patch Wonder Blocks

Here’s another group of 12 faux-kaleido blocks, set on point as they will be in my finished 4-Patch Wonder quilt:

I’m going to make one more set, even though I only need eight more blocks. I can then pick my favorites and put the leftovers on the back.

The fabric I ordered online for the outer borders has arrived and it’s just a skosh darker than the piece I had in my stash. The larger piece in the picture below is the darker:

Can you even tell?

I’m still pinching myself over my good luck in finding this 2½-yard length of fabric. I’ll be able to cut my outer border strips on the lengthwise grain, avoiding the necessity of seams which would be unavoidable with border strips cut on the crosswise grain, i.e., from selvage to selvage.

The fabric came quickly from an Etsy seller in California. It was neatly wrapped in tissue paper and sported this cute little sticker:

I’ve already decided on a name for my current Work-in-Progress: Berried Treasure.



This entry was posted in 4-Patch Wonder, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, update. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to More 4-Patch Wonder Blocks

  1. Vickie Rooks says:

    Great name! Love the idea of making extra blocks and choosing your favorites! Have fun!

  2. Val Womack says:

    Very creative, Dawn. I really like the way you’ve fussy cut your blocks. I’m working on getting as precise as you are.

  3. Sandy says:

    I love the border fabric. I will be eager to see the finished quilt.

  4. Diane says:

    Your name for this quilt is just so darn clever!

    • Dawn says:

      I wish I could claim I came up with that title, Nubs, but the truth is I saw the words “berried treasure” years ago in some other context and thought to myself, “What a great name for a quilt.”

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