Website Woes

If you’re wondering why I haven’t posted in more than two weeks, I have two words by way of explanation:  Website Woes. If you’ve visited First Light Designs lately, perhaps you’ve noticed that some of my blog posts and website pages have had weird changes in formatting. To wit: extra spaces between the heading of a blog post and the beginning of the text, weird symbols in place of fractions or other symbols, photo fragments at the top of pages instead of my logo, and random posts where spaces between words have suddenly disappeared. That last one is especially vexing because I was a professional proofreader in a previous life, and it galls me to think some readers might think I’ve been sloppy in editing and proofing my posts.

I contacted my website host (GoDaddy) who convinced me I needed to engage its marketing team who would fix these issues — at a cost, of course — in 24 to 48 hours. That was almost three weeks ago. Not only have the issues not been fixed, they seem to be multiplying! The last marketing team member I spoke to last Monday promised to call me on Tuesday with an update. It didn’t happen, of course. I’m still fuming about that. Tomorrow I’ll set aside another two hours to talk to someone at GoDaddy and see how far I get. Although I’m an optimist by nature, it’s hard to be hopeful at this point.

And it’s not just the website. I keep putting chores and other duties ahead of sewing so precious little is happening in my sewing room. I did manage to complete a couple of quick projects for a very dear friend and I also sewed all of the rows together on my Berried Treasure quilt top, based on my 4-Patch Wonder quilt pattern:

This may look a lot like the photo on my last post but there’s a difference. In that photo, the blocks were arranged on my design wall but not sewn together. In this photo the blocks have been joined into tows and the rows sewn together. I do love the drama of this quilt top!

I have three sets of strips cut for the outer borders but am now questioning one of my fabric choices. Tomorrow I plan to audition a couple of other pieces in my stash and will show you the final combo in my next post.

I hope you will stick with me as I navigate these vexatious website issues!




This entry was posted in 4-Patch Wonder, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, update. Bookmark the permalink.

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