Grandma’s Surprise: A Kaleido Quilt Top

My quilt top based on the kaleidoscope block Grandma’s Surprise is finished:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s Version of Grandma’s Surprise, 57″ with Borders


It’s the result of a recent class I took from Joyce Gieszler, author of Then and Now Quilts (Kansas City Star Quilts, 2014). The Grandma’s Surprise quilt in Joyce’s book was made of Civil War reproduction fabrics:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Grandma’s Surprise, 36″ square, made by Joyce Gieszler (2013)


My version, with just three fabrics, looks quite different, doesn’t it? It was inspired by this three-color version, also created by Joyce:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Grandma’s Surprise, 36″ square, also made by Joyce Gieszler (2013)


I put my red fabric where Joyce put her black because I wanted the red to dominate. And dominate it does!

My red fabric reads as a solid but it’s actually a blender from Timeless Treasures. I wish the texture of the red showed up better in my photos, as well as the very pale mottled grey, which looks white in the photos. Perhaps this close-up will help:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
A Closer Look


On my computer screen the red fabric has an orange cast but it’s really a true red, like a currant. The print fabric with the red flowers is part of the Black, White and Currant 5 line from Henry Glass. My friend AnnMarie gave me some large scraps from that line, including this wonderful print, which I will incorporate into the back:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Black White and Currant V by Color Principle for Henry Glass Fabrics


I’m going to call this quilt Currant Affairs.




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14 Responses to Grandma’s Surprise: A Kaleido Quilt Top

  1. Rosalee says:

    Dawn, I love your colors and the name for it! Great job–Beautiful!!

  2. Nancy B. says:

    Beautiful quilt.

  3. Vickie says:

    Wow! You do such a great job with your fabric choices! That top seemed to go together very quickly. Looks great!

  4. Thelma says:

    Perfect name for that quilt! I love your version and am mulling around my fabric options in my head.

  5. Auntie Em says:

    What an amazing quilt!

  6. Colleen says:

    Absolutely gorgeous my friend!

  7. I love your quilt names – nearly as much as I love your quilts!

  8. VirginiaH says:


  9. AnnMarie says:

    Oh my goodness, it’s lovely! That is my favorite quilt in Joyce’s book and how happy I am that you were able to use the fabric in yours. Love the name also.

  10. Joyce says:

    Dawn, your quilt looks fabulous! I love the red… of course, I have to force myself NOT to put red in every quilt. 😉

  11. Diane says:

    How can I possibly have a new favorite “Dawn Quilt”??? Not possible! But yet . .

  12. Kristi says:

    I love your version of Joyce’s quilt! It is one of my favorites in her new book.

  13. Linda Dyer says:

    It is absolutely beautiful. and the close up of your points is amazing….

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