I’m pleased to announce the release of my newest pattern from First Light Designs. Here’s a picture of the cover:
It’s available at the Pine Needle Quilt Shop in Lake Oswego, Oregon and the Rose of Sharin’ Quilt Shop in Danville, Pennsylvania.
Would you like to have a pattern? I’m hosting a Giveaway this coming week – my very first! You have six chances to win. I’m giving away five copies of my pattern, and the sixth winner is going to get a pattern and a custom sewing machine dust cover made by me. It might be you!
To enter, simply leave a comment at the bottom of this post telling me what you hope to accomplish this summer on the sewing/quilting front. Multiple projects? One big finish? It’s always fun to know what’s going on in sewing rooms around the world.
I’ll keep the Giveaway open through Saturday, July 6 and announce the winners the following week. Be sure your contact info is included in your comments. For the winner of the sewing machine dust cover, I’ll be in touch to give you some fabric and color options.
Hi Dawn
Congratulations to your new bathroom, it looks awesome.
I’m working on a Deb Karasik paperpiecing, big project that I hope to enter the NW Quilting Expo in Portland. I have been working on that for a while, and that has left me with a lot of unfinished quilts that “only” need quilting. I don’t have a super longarmer available so I have to quilt myself on my sewing maschine. Lucky me, I got a new Bernina 820, but I have to get used to all the things I can do on it. Hope to see you in September, I’ll be around in Lake Oswego and Portland for 2 weeks.
Hi Merethe. I’m so glad you will be here in September — I look forward to seeing you! I wasn’t familiar with Deb Karasik so I just checked her out. Wow, her paper piecing designs are amazing! I can’t wait to see your project.
Dawn congrats on the new pattern! I love it and oh in desperate need to make some for mine at home. This summer has been busy sewing/quilting. I finished up easy street (BH) and 2 other mystery quilts, a backpack, a few knit shirts. But the big push will be my dress and quilting up my swoon quilt. Top is done just need to piece a back.
Ps the new bathroom is great!!
My sewing machine definitely needs a cover. I’ll be working on my Sisters Mystery Quilt this summer, and finishing a UFO each month. Thanks.
Hi Dawn,
This is so exciting and so generous of you. I hope you have lots of comments and many new people discover how talented you are!
For this summer I am working on appliquing a large sun motif to a race quilt; adding a couple of borders and an appliqued bookworm to a large mile a minute quilt; making several scrap quilts–another mile a minute with sashing, a mile a minute without sashing, one that started with a pentagon center and adds strips to each side until it can be trimmed to an 8 1/2 square, three different stars patterns; also finishing four quilts from my Mom’s unfinished projects, making a bag for the dining table leaf and starting in on Christmas gift projects. Retirement is the very best!
Congratulations on publishing the new pattern.
What a lovely giveaway. I hope to start work on and finish Xmas quilts for my family. Especially one for my mom.
First big congrats to you on your new pattern…
As far as work for the summer, I have several projects in the fire, as they say.
But the most important one,this summer, is the one for a very dear friend of over 30 yrs. Her son will be graduating next yr and she has commissioned me to make his quilt!! I’m soooo honored!!!………..
PS. Love your color choice!
Hi Dawn. I like the name of your company. Very pretty and I love the pattern. I was just telling Pam that I needed a cover for my sewing machine as it sits out all the time and gets so dusty.
You fit the bill. If I don’t win one, I will certainly buy one at the Pine Needle.
See you soon
Nothing. I don’t expect to sew anything. I really don’t have to because my wife is a superb sewer and quilter, and as a consequence my wardrobe is never is need of sewing for any length of time at all. Would that other men could be so lucky. If this entry is a winner, please donate the prize to charity.
Charles M White
Pick me, pick me for your sewing machine cover pattern. 🙂
I’m so happy you published again, Dawn! Wow! When I see all the projects being worked on, a quilt for my new grandson seems to pale — but for me, it’s enough. Keep posting! I love every one!
Dear Dawn,
what a beautiful pattern! I would frame it and hang it up!
My summer projects are to hem wedding gowns, sew on bustle buttons, and put in bra-strap-holders–far from your amazing quilting projects.
What a cool looking dust cover! As a matter of fact, two things that I hope to accomplish in the next few months are: 1. a sewing machine cover! and 2. my very first full sized bed quilt.
Love your patterned sewing machine covers. My summer sewing includes finishing a flip-flop quilt but I’ll be making lots of goodies for my lovely granddaughter too.
Would love to win a pattern; it is beautiful. My big project right now is to finish a “Very Hungry Caterpillar” quilt for a 5 year old’s birthday the end of August. Making him a pillowcase to go with it that I have put the Hungry Caterpillar ‘Happy Birthday’ border. Esther
Love your blog! I live in Florida, but spend about 5 months in the Adirondacks over the summer. It is a chore to pack and move my sewing and knitting stuff twice a year! This year we have a smaller vehicle instead of a full size van so I had to take less. I tried to pack ‘kits’, but there is always something I left that I wish I had here. My sisters visit at least once and we shop and sew and eat out. Great fun. I’m trying to use up what I have and try not to buy more – of course, it doesn’t always work that way, but I made some progress already. Since the beginning of May I sewed a child’s dress, a top for me, Spicy Spiral Table Runner, Bailey Island Hobo Bag, quilted a scrap quilt, altered a bunch of clothes, and completed 3 appliqued wall hangings from http://thewoodenbear.com. I also knitted 2 lace shawls, 2 child hoodies and a child’s shrug. Can you tell that I’m kind of isolated up here? 😉
My plan for the summer is to complete current projects, and concentrate on free motion. Having recently purchased a Janome, I can’t wait. Such an easy machine to work with, love it. Also, begin to create baby quilts for Project Linus with my quilting friends. Having lots of children’s prints fabric, it will be so much fun to utilize my stash for a good cause.
My plan is to complete several works in progress (but I know I can’t help but start some new ones) and to get more comfortable using my “new to me” longarm machine. I’d love to win your sewing machine cover….I’ve been meaning to make one for years and haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Current projects include piecing a border for my take on Bonnie Hunter’s Easy Street, working on Rectangle Wrangle following a class taken with Bonnie in Monroe, LA, finishing a challenge quilt hosted by my retreat group, continuing the prep work on Erin Russek’s My Tweets BOM…and more.
Dawn, you never cease to amaze at your creativity! As you know all the Lollars are moving this summer. However, I will giving our daughter and boy friend the queen size quilt I made this year. To our son for completing his 5 years of surgery residency, we are giving a cross stitch I started…Norman Rockwell’ s “Before the Shot” that Julie Riggs completed after 300 hours of cross stitch! I gave my friend pillow cases for her 60th birthday, and children’s place mats were given to a new baby in Mexico (who happened to be born on my birthday). When things settle down, I can’t wait to make another baby gift and begin another quilt. Thanks for sharing others’ work.
This summer is flying by, and I hope I get something accomplished. For real I am in the process of “re-doing” my sewing area, and it has become quite a project. Started out painting walls, pulling pictures off the wall, making a “family picture wall”, and now am looking for some old vintage cabinets and vintage sewing items to complete my look. Before all of that re-do my quilting friend and I designed, pieced, and quilted our quilt guilds raffle quilt, it turned out lovely and we have gotten so many compliments from it, it was fun, but challenging.
Love your sewing machine covers do you do custom, I just bought a Janome 12000 embroidery machine and it is 22.6 long by 12.4 high and 9 deep needing a cover for it and would like something in blue
Thanks Rachel
Sorry, Rachel, I don’t do custom covers. Hope you like my pattern well enough to make a cover for your wonderful new Janome!