Back from the Quilter!

Checkerboard Curves, my quilt made from the pattern Dancing Churndash, is back from the quilter and I’m doing a happy dance:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I’ve been watching the Instagram feed of longarmer Karlee Sandell (SewInspired2Day), who has quilted several quilts for me. “Swan Song,” a quilting design she used recently, was on my short list for this quilt. After consulting with Karlee, it moved to the top of the list.

Can you see how the curves and circles in the quilting design mimic the curves and circles in the prints? The effect is so lighthearted and whimsical. Let me show you  a couple of close-ups. Here’s a positive block (black print on white background) . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

. . . and a negative block (white print on black background):

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

You may not realize it but the thread I picked isn’t white, it’s a very pale grey. I knew it would give definition to the quilting on the white background without being too strong. Likewise, I knew the grey thread would slightly soften the impact of the quilting on the black background. Perhaps you can see that if you go back and look at the two blocks above.

I’m pretty tickled with how the quilting looks on the back of the quilt as well:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Just enough quilting to provide texture without interfering with the playful print:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Originally I was thinking about custom quilting for Checkerboard Curves. I would have gone with black thread in the five negative blocks and white in the four positive ones. Know why I didn’t? The back of the quilt! I liked the print so much I didn’t want to cover it up with dense patches of black thread.

When trimming the quilt I left a quarter-inch margin all around. That’s because I’m going to frame the quilt with half-inch binding in solid lime to match the half-inch wide strips in the center of each block. With the binding added Checkerboard Curves will measure about 44″ square.

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I may go with a lime green label, too, just for the fun of it.




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8 Responses to Back from the Quilter!

  1. Claudine Wildman says:

    Maybe this should be the 2019 Hood Canal Retreat pattern. I love it!

  2. Reigh Hays says:

    Another masterpiece! Love the back too – NY street scene. The quilting is so pretty!

  3. Vickie Rooks says:

    Love how the quilting enhanced the quilt. Maybe a bicycle label?

  4. Diane says:

    Oh Nubs, what a triumph! This quilt definitely makes it to my Top Five Favorite Dawn Quilts. Your choice of light grey thread was really a stroke of genius. I’m left with the same final afterthought – how can she possibly top this??

  5. Charlotte says:

    Very cheery! I love the back!

  6. Diana Stack Roberts says:

    Beautiful, Dawn!

  7. Karen Johnson says:

    Beautiful quilt! I love all the thought you put into your quilts…the gray thread idea is genius. The back is so cute too!

  8. Jo Ann Janes says:

    Just love this quilt! Everything about the quilt is just right.

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