Banana Appeal

My quilt Banana Split has been back from the quilter for several weeks now. I finally got it bound and photographed, and now it’s ready to be presented to you:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Banana Split, 40 1/2″ x 50 1/2″ (2014)


If you look at the fabric in the centers of the stars, you can see where my quilt got its name. Here’s a close-up of one block:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
4-Patch Wonder Block, 11″ with Sashing

The centers are all 4-Patch Wonder blocks, my name for blocks made of four repeats yielding a faux-kaleidoscope effect.

Banana Split was beautifully quilted by Debbie Scroggy of All Quilted, LLC. I went to Debbie’s studio and together we selected the thread and the quilting motifs (spirals in the main body of the quilt and in the corners, and piano keys in the borders). I expected the thread of choice would be a pale yellow. Much to my surprise, it was a deep gold that looked the best when we pooled all of the contenders on the quilt top.

The thread had such a lovely sheen that I asked Debbie to put it on the back of the quilt, too:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Back of Banana Split


The panels on either side of the big star block above show the focus fabric I used on the 4-Patch Wonder blocks. The circle in the center is a kaleidoscope made from the same focus fabric. Here’s a close-up of the big star:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s Big Block (18″ Square)

The more I look at this big block, the more I like it. I was just goofing around when I made it but now I think it has real possibilities. Four blocks would make a perfectly sized baby quilt. I’ll hold on to that thought, as I have a couple of baby quilts to make in the next few months.

In the meantime, I have plenty of works in progress that need attention, not to mention the stack of UFOs (Unfinished Objects) I am committed to whittling down this year. Happily, Banana Split is no longer in that category.




This entry was posted in 4-Patch Wonder, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, update. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Banana Appeal

  1. Vickie says:

    Congats on knocking off another UFO. Very nicely done! Great quilt.

  2. Sherri Crisp says:

    Terrific Dawn!
    It is gorgeous!

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