Dogs and Cats and Pillowcases, Oh My!

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundWhen I spotted this whimsical travel-themed fabric at a quilt shop in central Oregon last year, the first person I thought of was my friend Anna. Anna loves animals (especially dogs), France, and world travel — probably in that order.

Several years ago Anna sold her home in Portland and moved to Paris to live. Imagine that! It was a dream she had had for many years. I knew her through a mutual friend but had not seen her for some time when we ran into each other on the street just weeks before her departure. We stayed in touch after this chance meeting and a few years later, when Anna proposed a short-term house swap, my husband and I jumped at the chance.

In 2015 Charlie and I spent three weeks at Anna’s apartment in Paris taking care of her sweet cat Buddy . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
. . . while Anna stayed at our home in Portland taking care of Empress Theodora:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The arrangement worked out splendidly. And I was lucky enough to go back to Paris in the fall of the same year with my twin sister, petsitting for Anna while she went to the United Kingdom to visit her beau, an American who had spent his professional life working in Europe.

Anna subsequently married her beau and they bought a house in France’s Loire Valley which they share with Buddy and two rescue dogs. So you can see how this fabric seems to have Anna’s name written all over it. (In fact, the travel documents on the fabric are in the name of Jane S. Doe but we can use our imaginations.)

I decided to make a pair of pillowcases with the fabric and send them to Anna in France. Months came and went while the fabric stayed in my stash. Then I learned Anna was coming to Oregon this summer for her 50th high school reunion. In no time at all I had made a pair of pillowcases, which were waiting for Anna when she arrived last week:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundI tried to tone down the cuteness factor by choosing a rather masculine batik for the cuffs of the cases. After all, husband Joe has to sleep on them too!

(For those who might be interested, the fabric is from the line “Jetset Europe” by Anne Bollman for Clothworks Fabrics. I used my own tutorial to make the pillowcases.)




This entry was posted in cats, family, Paris, roll-it-up pillowcases, tutorial, update. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Dogs and Cats and Pillowcases, Oh My!

  1. Shirl says:

    Enjoyed the story.

  2. Diane says:

    Well, do tell us, was Anna overjoyed??

    I loved seeing pics of Buddy (such a wondrous cat) and Theo with her darling one white whisker.

    Love the cases!

  3. Anna says:

    Dawn, I LOVE the pillowcases. I wonder how many sets you have made for others, and based on a certain theme?
    Have you ever counted, or kept track?

    My mother made kitted and adorned Christmas stockings for about 50 people.

    • Dawn says:

      Oh gosh, I’ve made dozens of those pillowcases! I wish I did have an exact count. One year I made a pillowcase a week for a children’s cancer charity.

  4. gailss1 says:

    What a great find in that fabric and love it. How exciting to be able to pet sit those adorable pets…bet you loved every minute there with them.

  5. Charlotte says:

    Very, very nice!

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