Finally, a Finish

The year 2017 has gotten off to a slow start in terms of finished projects. I have several projects in the hopper and a few are close to being done; does that count?

At least today I can claim a bona fide finish. Here is Baby Selene’s Pineapple Plus quilt, started in a class taught by Karin Hellaby:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Selene’s Quilt, 47½” Square

Notice the binding? I made it to finish at ½” wide (rather than my usual ¼”) so it would provide a strong frame for the quilt and pick up the tiny bits of red found in three of the four prints used in the quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Picking Up on the Red

The binding strips were cut on the bias so the cross-hatching would be oriented on the diagonal just like the centers of the blocks, which were cut on the bias because I liked the effect.

I had fun playing with leftover blocks for the back of the quilt, using two regular blocks and one larger one, all set on point to make them even bigger:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Supersize Me!

I love how the red binding pulls it all together.

The label is a simple square-in-a-square block that echoes the larger on-point blocks:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
On-Point Label

After the label was stitched in place by hand, I realized I had forgotten to put my last name on it. I’m sure Baby Selene won’t mind.

As usual, Coco insisted on claiming the quilt (temporarily, of course):

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Coco the Photo Bomb


After these photos were taken, the quilt went into the washer and dryer. Here it is now in all its puckery charm:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Pucker Up!


Selene will receive her quilt in person at a family reunion in Central Oregon coming up in a couple weeks. In the meantime, I get to enjoy it in its temporary location on my quilt wall:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s Ever-Changing Quilt Wall






This entry was posted in baby quilt, family, Quilter's Affair, update. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Finally, a Finish

  1. I absolutely love that quilt, Dawn!

  2. Suzette Shoulders says:

    Dawn, I so enjoy your creations! This has been a ‘slow start to the year of finishes’ for me, too! Life just happens. I will be dropping off your list while travelling , but hope to be back on come July sometime! Suzette in Bend

  3. Sandy says:

    I love how the red binding pulls the red in the quilt. You always pay such attention to detail. The blocks on the back really add to how special it is.

  4. Diane says:

    Another sure-to-be-treasured family keepsake completed! Just think of the future generations you are happily impacting. You gotta love it!!

  5. Auntie Em says:

    Adorable baby quilt! I like how the red centers give the pineapple block a whole new look.

  6. Claudia McCarter says:

    What a lucky great niece! The quilt is just beautiful!

  7. Jeanne says:

    Classic kitty pose. No lack of confidence on Coco’s part.

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