Flower Power

What a difference a flower makes!

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

This is Aunt Ruby’s Choice, Block 7 of Hazel’s Diary Quilt and the sixth block I’ve completed so far in my quest to make the queen-size sampler quilt designed by Shelly Pagliai in remembrance of her mother, Hazel. When you saw this block last month, it was pieced but did not have the flower appliquéd on yet.

I am loving the center blossom, especially with the addition of the bright yellow button in the center. The button may or may not remain in the final version. Shelly’s pattern calls for a small circle (see below) but I’m not there yet in my needleturn appliqué skills. I’m thinking of the button as a placeholder while I move on to the appliqué for the next block.

Block 7 will eventually be surrounded with white sashing strips and a red scalloped border, as it is in Shelly’s original block seen here:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I’ve pieced Block 8, Domestic Bliss, and hope to start work on the appliqué for that tomorrow. Then I need to hurry up and make Block 9, Fancy Farm Girl, the block I planned for August. If I can get that done in the few days left of the month, I’ll be back on schedule.

Then I can get to work practicing those needleturned circles!




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6 Responses to Flower Power

  1. Reigh Hays says:

    This quilt is going to be so gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the finished product. Love the yellow flower button!

  2. Sandy says:

    I love your block and agree that the button just makes it! You do such beautiful work.

  3. Jeanne says:

    Love your fabric choices! I think the button needs to stay. It fits too well, especially with the yellow fabric. It brightens the black petals. So cute!

  4. Diane says:

    I agree with Jeanne – the button must stay!! In fact, all of the squares need a unique vintage-look center button. How wonderful would that be??

  5. Colleen says:

    This makes vote #5 in favor of the button! It is adorable and brings so much to the block. Looking good Dawn!

  6. Shirley says:

    That sure is a lovely block, flower power.

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