Fraternal Twins

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I’m enjoying the inside view of one of the front windows at Montavilla Sewing Center in Lake Oswego. I taught a class there this evening, and as the sky darkened my two versions of Dresden Neighborhood were set off very nicely, with the reflected view of the shop adding a lovely touch.

Do you ever like a quilt design so much you make it twice? I can think of at least four designs I’ve made twice. It’s always fun to see how two quilts from the same design look alike but also differ — sort of like fraternal twins. I should know: I am one! My twin Diane and I don’t look alike but our voices are so similar her daughters can’t tell us apart on the phone.

The pattern Dresden Neighborhood was designed by Kim Lapacek of Persimon Dreams. I’m delighted to be able to teach her design in my class called “Wonky Dresden Neighborhood,” scheduled Saturday, April 23, at Montavilla Lake Oswego.




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7 Responses to Fraternal Twins

  1. anna says:

    Beautiful, Dawn! I didn’t know that Montavilla Sewing Center had a store in Lake Oswego. Oh how many trips I made to the SE Montavilla, as they serviced our 18 Home Ec. sewing machines for us, for many years. Maybe still. Your quilts are beautifully displayed!

    • Dawn says:

      Hi Anna. In 2018 Montavilla took over the space occupied by the Pine Needle when owner Geri closed the shop. We are now lucky to have Emmanuel servicing machines at Montavilla. I’ll have to ask if Montavilla is still servicing sewing machines for schools.

  2. Vickie Rooks says:

    So fun to see both of your neighborhoods together! I could see this as a seasonal quilt.

  3. Bridget says:

    Love the pattern and the quilts. A quilty friend picked the pattern up in Paducah in 2019…not sure if she has completed it yet but your versions are gorgeous! As to making a pattern I like more than once, not so much, I have too many ideas floating in my head. I have made a pattern more than once when one recipient loved their quilt and the next recipient wanted the same pattern. I love both recipients so much it was fun.

  4. Nancy says:

    It’s fun to see them both together. Can’t wait to see them on display @ Montavilla!

  5. Diane says:

    It is a VERY good thing you did not ask us blog followers which of these we like best because I would simply not be able to answer. What is SO terrific, though, is that the same pattern with different fabrics, quilting motifs and embellishments creates such uniquely distinct – and luscious – outcomes. I just love that!

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