Giveaway Winners!

Are you ready to learn who the winners are of my Oven Mitt Giveaway? If you entered, the odds were in your favor: 1 in 13. That’s good for the winners but bad for my hundreds of blog subscribers who may not have seen recent posts. I learned a few days ago that subscribers to First Light Designs have not been receiving email notifications of my posts since early January. I’m still working behind the scenes with my blog platform folks to figure out why. I may need to offer another Giveaway just for my subscribers when the issue has been rectified.

But let’s move on to find out who the lucky winners are of this Giveaway. After counting the valid entries (39 — two family members were taken out of contention), I used a Random Number Generator to draw the numbers 17, 2, and 23 in that order.

Number 17 is Elizabeth H., who won these mitts:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Number 2 is Amy M., who won these mitts:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

And Number 23 is Pam B., who won these mitts:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Congratulations, ladies! I will email you to find out your mailing addresses. The mitts will come with washing instructions and additional info. Remember, if the mitts are totally the wrong color for your kitchen, let me know. I’ll make you a custom pair in the color of your choice and we’ll throw the mitts you won back into the drawing pool.

My thanks to all who entered!




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7 Responses to Giveaway Winners!

  1. Susan says:

    Congratulations to those who won. I am one of those who is not getting the blog notices.

  2. Kristi says:

    Congratulations to the giveaway winners. How lucky you are!

  3. Diane says:

    Lucky lucky winners!

  4. WENDY BOND says:

    Those look great! Congratulations, winners!

  5. Pam says:

    Thank you for your time, talent and generosity for the oven mitt giveaway. I’m excited to be a winner!

  6. Ruthann Marquis says:

    I am curious about which one made the pattern and will look forward to seeing that. Your work is always a joy to see!

  7. Maureen Williamson says:

    Oh how wonderful for the winners…..congratulations all! These mitts are lovely & again, thank you Dawn for giving us all a chance!

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