Happy Birthday to Me!

Today’s the day. My twin Diane and I complete another trip around the sun. Though we live 3,000 miles apart, on this birthday I am at her home in Atlanta to celebrate with her and our Dear Husbands.

And look what was waiting for me when I arrived!

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
It’s not really a birthday present. I bought it in Portland a couple weeks ago and had it shipped to Diane’s home. I always do some sewing on my extended visits and the vintage Elna that I brought to her house decades ago has reached the end of its long life.

I chose this Janome 3160 because I sewed on one in June when I taught at a Pine Needle quilt retreat and absolutely loved the way it performed. Montavilla Sewing Center provided four new 3160s for the students to try out and all four machines were purchased before the retreat was over.

And what will be my inaugural sewing project? Well, Diane and I have a couple of small home dec sewing projects planned. I brought several pieces of fabric with me that are candidates for this project:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I also brought some of my Hazel’s Diary Quilt blocks to work on. Please drop by again soon for an update.



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10 Responses to Happy Birthday to Me!

  1. Jeanne says:

    Happy Birthday!
    When you get yourself a present, you get just what you want! Nothing wrong with that.
    Have a great day and enjoy your visit!
    And have fun with the lovely fabrics.

  2. Patty McLain says:

    Happy Birthday Dawn & Diane! Have a wonderful time sewing — the fabrics are fabulous. I love my Janome!!

  3. Karen N. says:

    Happy Birthday to you! I love, love, love, love my little Janome 3160! You made a great decision!

  4. Virginia says:

    A very merry birthday to you both! I’ll look forward to seeing what these lovely fabrics become. xo-

  5. Diane says:

    Happy Birthday, Nubs, to the best wombmate a twin could ever ask for! Two whole weeks of fun ahead of us. Please oh please let it go slowly.

  6. anna says:

    Happy Birthday, Dawn!

  7. Melody says:

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on your new machine!

    See you soon!

    (Beautiful fabrics!)

  8. Claudia says:

    Happy Birthday Dawn!
    Your Janome looks fabulous!
    Happy sewing!

  9. Anne says:

    Again a very happy birthday to the best twins ever! What a beautiful machine! Diane, you will have fun using it. I have the bottom part of your fabric selection. Hugs!!

  10. Bethany says:

    Ooh, SO fun!!! That machine is a beauty!!

    Happy Birthday, and I hope you’re having a wonderful time with Diane!

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