Hazel’s Diary Quilt: Best.Christmas.Ever. (Block 6)

Here it is, Block 6 of Hazel’s Diary Quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundThis block, named Best.Christmas.Ever. by its designer (Shelly Pagliai of Prairie Moon Quilts), isn’t quite finished in this shot. The appliqué in the center of the block includes a small circle on top of the black star. More on that below.

That black star represents my third effort. I was having a terrible time tucking the excess fabric underneath the points. My star points weren’t points at all — they were stubs. In despair I contacted Shelly, who suggested I reduce my seam allowance and make sure I snipped the seam allowance all the way to the inside points. Great advice, Shelly!

Two attempts later, I had the star you see above. It’s not perfect by any means. In fact, only one of the five star points is truly pointed but I’m okay with that. As a novice when it comes to needleturn appliqué, I know my skills will improve. My novice status was quite apparent when it came to sewing the circle onto the black star. The circle is tiny — about a half-inch in diameter. I tried three times without success. What to do? Why, use a button instead.

I have quite a collection of new and vintage buttons and it didn’t take long to find a winner:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The button actually has a raised star design on it. Take a look:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Isn’t that the perfect addition? (I’ll remove the button before it’s quilted and sew it back on later.)

Here’s a picture of my block on point, as it will appear in the finished quilt.

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

My completed blocks so far:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

(Confession: that tiny black star in the upper left block isn’t sewn on yet. I just stuck it there to show you what the block is suppposed to look like. I’m seriously thinking about making a star out of black Ultrasuede and fusing it in place.)

Of the five blocks made, Best.Christmas.Ever. may be my favorite. It’s the only one so far that doesn’t include yellow and blue. Maybe that’s a sign I should put it in the center of my quilt.

Here’s a look at Shelly’s original quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Isn’t that a stunner?

I’m a little behind on my self-imposed schedule of one block per month. My block for June is called Aunt Ruby’s Choice and I’m excited about getting started. The first task: picking fabrics. Stay tuned!




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5 Responses to Hazel’s Diary Quilt: Best.Christmas.Ever. (Block 6)

  1. Vickie says:

    Hi and welcome home,
    Yes that is a stunning quilt. I haven’t been drawn to needle turned applique yet. My mom loved doing needle turn and I seem to remember two different methods for small circles. One used freezer paper and the other used a row of basting stitches near the edge. The button is darling.

  2. Jeanne says:

    Artistic license is a wonderful thing.

  3. Sandy says:

    Dawn, your quilt is going to be stunning and quite an accomplishment. I love what you’ve done.

  4. Nancy says:

    I love the button, it’s perfect!

  5. Diane says:

    Oh Nubs, this is a great post! And, you know what? You are indeed evolving your talent for appliqué, but in the process, you innovate to compensate for your novice status and wind up creating something so original. I love your little star! It looks whimsical and is something that would delight children and adults alike, which is what “the best Christmas ever!” is all about.

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