Hazel’s Diary Quilt: Corn and Beans and Other Things (Block 5)

I just finished Corn and Beans and Other Things, my fourth block of Hazel’s Diary Quilt. And here it is, complete with center appliqué, set on point as it will be in the finished quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The appliqué is all needleturn, including the red circle in the center of the flower. The circle wasn’t as hard to make as I thought it would be. And it’s reasonably round! Not bad for a rookie, eh?

Here are all four of my blocks so far (Blocks 1, 3, 4, and 5):

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundThat little black star on the top center block is just a placeholder. The real thing hasn’t been appliquéd yet. I do believe I’m ready to give it a shot.

An afterthought: Does my flower (bottom center) need more leaves?



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4 Responses to Hazel’s Diary Quilt: Corn and Beans and Other Things (Block 5)

  1. Diane says:

    Blocks are just charming. Your creativity speaks for itself!! Well done, Nubs.

  2. Colleen C. says:

    Your blocks are beautiful, Dawn. I’m thinking about if you need more leaves on the bottom center block. I think it depends on the rest of the blocks. The other ones you have here each have four leaves which may be why you think this one needs more. Personally, I think that perhaps one more leaf would look more natural. Odd numbers seem to make a pleasing, natural sort of balance. That is my inclination – one more leaf. But I would be curious if the other blocks yet to be made have any continuity in their leaf count before I made my final decision. How is that for a long, complicated opinion, LOL?

    • Dawn says:

      I appreciate your careful consideration, Colleen! I initially tried putting three leaves on, for the same reason you noted above, and it looked a little funky so I decided to go with the original two. Now it looks a little sparse. I think I’ll wait till I have more blocks done. Perhaps this one will fit right in. If not — I can always add leaves, right?

  3. Auntie Em says:

    I like the block as is, with just the two leaves. I think the pieced background helps to balance it out. This is going to be such a pretty quilt!

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