Hi Ho, Hi Ho . . .

. . . it’s off to camp I go! Quilt Camp, that is. From Sunday afternoon till Wednesday afternoon, I’ll be at the conference center in Silver Falls State Park near Silverton, Oregon sewing non-stop with 11 wonderful women, four of whom are in my quilt group, the Quisters. This is my seventh year. Once we’ve unpacked and set up our sewing gear in the big conference room, we are good to go. We only stop to eat. Seriously! Three meals a day are provided – and they are ample and good.

Every year it’s a struggle deciding what to take. Because I vastly overestimate how much I’ll accomplish, I bring way too many projects in way too many plastic tubs. Some of them never even get opened. This year I’m more focused, more organized.

My Number One goal is to finish my Metro Rings quilt top. After making the test block I showed you in my last post — here’s another look at it —

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Metro Rings block, 19″ Square

I set about getting all of the fabric cut for 11 more blocks. Here are my strips of black-on-white and white-on-black for the rings:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Strips, Strips and More Strips


I’m using a total of 20 different fabrics. They are sewn into 20″ long strip sets and then cut into curves using a specialty ruler. I got the strip sets sewn and then cut the red and blue corner triangles and the white triangles and strips for the background:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Strip Sets Sewn and More


I got the curves cut in the background fabric . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Background Fabric Curves Cut

. . . but I’ll wait till I get to Quilt Camp to cut the curves in the strip sets. I should be able to hit the ground running!

My Number Two goal is to finish this kaleidoscope table runner, also mentioned in my previous post:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
18″ x 56″ Before Quilting

It’s already sandwiched and I’ve done some in-the-ditch quilting. What the runner needs now is some free motion quilting. I’m going to try a plume feather design in each of the 45° triangles. Wish me luck! Free motion quilting is not my strong suit but I’m going to give it my best shot.

I’m also bringing a couple of UFOs with me in case I get my Number One and Number Two projects done. Yes, I know: ever the optimist!




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2 Responses to Hi Ho, Hi Ho . . .

  1. Pam says:

    The runner is gorgeous Dawn and I can’t wait to see Metro Rings! Hope you have a great time at quilt camp.

  2. Anne says:

    Beautiful Work!! Best of all, complete what you can without stress!
    See you soon!

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