It Was a Very Good Year

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundAs 2013 draws to a close, I am reminded how lucky I am to have my health, family and friends I treasure, a home that I love, and time to create lovely things with needle and thread. I am also grateful to you, my loyal readers, who keep me inspired to document my sewing and quilting life. Thank you for adding to your list of must read blogs!

I’ve been reviewing what I accomplished on the sewing/quilting front this year. Not as many quilts as I had hoped — nine, including baby quilts — but that’s because I was making other things: table runners, sewing machine dust covers, iPad mini cases, iron caddies, valances, pillowcases, little fabric boxes, and a partridge in a pear tree. Okay, just kidding about that last one.

If you’ve been reading my posts over the last year, you’ve probably seen most of the items mentioned above (except for the partridge in a pear tree). I’ve updated the sections of my Gallery to include photos of my 2013 projects.

Happy New Year, everyone! Please stop by in 2014.




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3 Responses to It Was a Very Good Year

  1. Pam Grogan says:

    Looking forward to 2014! Thank you for all of your love and support you gave to me in 2013.


  2. Charlie says:

    Fun to see all the quilts — remarkable accomplishment with varied patterns. Well done.

  3. Peg says:

    Love following you. You are an inspiration! Thank you Dawn!

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