Mini Rings: Off to Be Quilted

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
The Mini Rings quilt top I started last month is done and – as of today – off to be quilted. The top, measuring 34″ square, was made with a focus fabric from a Timeless Treasures line called Doodle, designed by Alice Kennedy.

The quilt is small enough that I could have quilted it myself on my domestic machine but I chose not to do that. You probably know that quilting is my least favorite part of the quiltmaking process. I decided I wanted the quilt to reflect the deft touch of a talented free motion longarm quilter. We seem to have a growing number of them in the Portland area.

I used a single piece of the focus fabric on the back, a portion of which is shown here:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Primarily black and white with touches of lime green and cool blue, the print features overlapping circles ranging from 1¼” to 2¾” in diameter. What do you see when you look at them? I see fireworks and ferris wheels, which makes me think of carnivals.

And that led me to the name for my quilt:  Ring Toss. Isn’t that perfect? Or should I call it Mini Ring Toss?




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4 Responses to Mini Rings: Off to Be Quilted

  1. Diane says:

    Now this is a keeper for sure! Cool, crisp colors – a true feast for the eyes! Now on to what?

  2. Char says:

    Very nice. I like it.

  3. Charlie says:

    Not mini. It reminds me of the Rube Goldberg contraptions where all the wheels are spinning. Or a factory line. Or the inside of a clock. Very nice.

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