New Kid in Town

Johnny-come-lately, new kid in town . . . yep, that’s me. Definitely a late bloomer. It’s taken a while but I have finally launched this website and blog.

Until a short time ago, I didn’t pay much attention to blogs. All I knew about “blog†was that it was a shortened version of “web log.†Oh. My. Word. What rock have I been under? I had no idea there were so many blogs out there – millions of them – on every subject under the sun.

Does the world really need one more sewing/quilting blog? I certainly hope so. My goal is to have a site so interesting, helpful, inspiring, and fun to read that it will prompt frequent return visits. So here we go!

Elvis has left the building . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
The King

. . . and Dawn has entered the blogosphere.




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6 Responses to New Kid in Town

  1. Peggy Kelly says:

    Congratulations! I’ve added you to my favorites!
    Fellow quister,

  2. Calvin says:

    I’m totally flabbergasted!……………and pleased!

    Good on you,Tochter!


  3. Judy says:

    Good luck and have fun, Dawn. There is always room for one more INTERESTING blog. I’ll be checking in.

  4. Jena says:

    Welcome to the blogging world. I look forward to reading more and seeing more of your quilts and patterns.

  5. Ian West says:

    Congratulations Dawn, happy blogging, happy quilting.

  6. Charlie says:

    DH has lived through it and enjoyed it.

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