“No Contest”

The two fabrics I was auditioning for the side and corner triangles on my 4-Patch Wonder quilt were pale yellow and dark blue. I feared the blue would be too strong but friends, it was immediately apparent that blue was the way to go. In other words, “no contest.” The pale yellow fabric I was considering was so understated I didn’t even bother photographing it. The blue fabric — the same fabric used in the wider sashing strips in the interior of the quilt — was the obvious choice. See for yourself:

Pretty dramatic, right? This photo was taken at night in artificial light so the resolution isn’t terrific but the effect certainly is. I’m now in the process of sewing the rows together. My name for this quilt, Berried Treasure, feels “spot on.” Do you agree?




This entry was posted in 4-Patch Wonder, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, update. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to “No Contest”

  1. Vickie Rooks says:

    The blue looks great!

  2. Karen Sandberg says:

    Its beautiful! Striking!

  3. Diane says:

    A triumph!

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