Planning Ahead

Our wonderful two-week visit with family in Atlanta is coming to a close.On Monday morning I’ll be back home in Oregon, in mysewing room, and I’m already thinking about what I want to work on.

Rememberthis kaleidoscope block that I made back in June?

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Last month I made two more blocks. Here are the three of them together:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I’m going to make them into a table/runner wall hanging using my Season to Taste pattern. I’ve made a fall and spring version; this will be the summer version. Just before leaving for Atlanta two weeks ago Iordered some more of the yellow polka dot fabric — it should be waiting for me when I get home.

Also on my mind are these lusciousfabrics:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundI have a plan for them but will make a test block or two before sharing it.

I’ve been in home dec mode this last couple of weeks so it will be good to get back to quiltmaking!




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3 Responses to Planning Ahead

  1. Gail says:

    oooOOo… I love those octagonal blocks!! So pretty. Was it hard to get the centers to lay flat?

  2. Lisa D'Andrea says:

    The kaleidoscopes are so beautiful!

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