Reach for the Stars: Colleen’s Block 1

My friend Colleen joined the Reach for the Stars club a couple of months ago. It’s not an official club, rather an informal group of quilters around the country working on a queen-size sampler quilt that appeared last fall as a series quilt in the pages of Quilter’s Newsletter magazine. Instructions are coming over the course of seven issues.

You may remember from a previous post that Colleen is using William Morris-inspired fabrics. Take another look at her center medallion:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background


Colleen recently finished her first block, one of 14 that will surround the center medallion:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background


Like her medallion, this block will be set on point, so here it is in that position:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background


Colleen lives out in the country and has a huge garden to tend. I suspect that at this time of year it’s going to be difficult for her to find time to sew. We may have to wait a bit for her next block — but I think it will be worth the wait.

In the meantime, anyone who wants to join the club is most welcome!




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4 Responses to Reach for the Stars: Colleen’s Block 1

  1. Sherri says:

    I LOVE the colors! and I LOVE the fussy cuts! These fabrics will do this beautiful quilt pattern justice. I just think that the monochrome colors give it a completely new look. I can’t wait to see the next one.

  2. Lisa Phillips says:


  3. Pam Grogan says:

    Beautiful!!! Love the colors and the fabric.

  4. Leslie Goldsmith says:

    Colleen’s work at quilt camp is always sooo incredible. Her quilts always have points in places where mine have mostly flat areas. This pattern was made for her talents. Once again, I drool…and resolve to try harder for the points! Happy gardening and WOW!

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