Reach for the Stars: Halfway There!

With the completion of Block 7, I am halfway through my sampler quilt Reach for the Stars, featured in a seven-part series in Quilter’s Newsletter magazine. Here is my Block 7:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Block 7, 12 1/2″ Unfinished


Here it is on point, as it will be in the finished quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
On Point, with Fussy-Cut Center

I opted not to put appliqué circles in the centers of my black squares, as called for in the original design. Instead I inserted a fussy cut image in the center square, making a square in a square.

And now for a full progress report: the first seven (of what will be 14) blocks surrounding my center medallion:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Sashing to Come

The center medallion will have a strip of blue sashing next to the black that’s already there, and the individual blocks will have black or green sashing, depending on their final placement in the quilt. The sashing will greatly enhance the finished look of the quilt, as you can see by looking at Terry Krysan’s original quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Copyright Quilter’s Newsletter. Used with permission. Photo by Melissa Karlin Mahoney.

If you take a close look at the picture above, you’ll see that many of the blocks contain half-square triangles or square-in-a-square components. I used to spend a lot of time and effort marking sewing lines on my fabric pieces to make units like these. Not any more! In my next post, I’ll show you a little sewing aid I made out of template plastic that eliminates the need to mark sewing lines on my fabric pieces, speeding up block construction considerably. (You would think I’d get my blocks done faster but I still spend way too much time auditioning fabrics — and then second-guessing my choices. Time to start that process now for Block 8!)

Speaking of Block 8, Jennifer Gwyn of has already finished hers (as well as her Block 7). Check out her site to see pictures of her lovely work in progress.

Thanks for stopping by!




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4 Responses to Reach for the Stars: Halfway There!

  1. Wow! What a great diversion from the original block – it looks great, Dawn! The halfway point is a great spot to be — I can’t believe that when we are done I will have worked on this all year long.

    • Dawn says:

      Isn’t it amazing how our Block 7s are constructed the very same way but look so different because of fabric choices, placement, and value? That’s one of the things I love about quilting!

  2. Sherri says:

    Wow, Dawn! That is great! I love your placement of the colors. It is just striking. I especially like the fussy cut in the middle. I am beginning to feel brave enough to start on mine. Hopefully tomorrow. See you guys soon,

  3. Charlie says:

    The first half looks good. Hope to interfere a little with your work on the second half to have some congratulatory dinners celebrating the progress.

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