Spinning Away

My little Spinners table topper (from Heather Mulder Peterson’s new book On the Run Again) was a breeze to make. What took me a while was cutting out the pieces. The pattern calls for a 60° triangle ruler, which I don’t have (note to self: buy one!), so I cut out each triangle separately using the 60º marking on my favorite 4″ x 14″ acrylic ruler and the lines on my cutting mat.

Here is my top with the six triangles sewn to the hexagon in the middle:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

So far so good! Here it is with the outer border:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The more I work with these Kate Spain fabrics (from her Sunnyside line for Moda Fabrics), the more I like them. Happily, I have quite a bit left of the fat quarter packet I started out with, so I may use the fabrics for another project in Heather’s book. I’m not sure what company makes the aqua solid, since the fat quarter didn’t have any selvage information, but I have enough of it to bind the topper.

Now comes the hard part: how to quilt it?




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4 Responses to Spinning Away

  1. Vickie says:

    That was very quick! Your new table topper looks great.

  2. Virginia Hammon says:

    It’s working now :-). Great block!

  3. Venita Davis says:

    The spinners are delightful…Pioneer Quilts lost their lease; yesterday every bolt of fabric was 20% off, some more. They had that sale marked for yesterday only, but stay tuned. They did not say when they must be out of the facility, it could well be by month-end.

    • Dawn says:

      Hi, Veneta. I had heard that Pioneer Quilts would be closing; apparently the lease issue coincided with the owners’ desire to retire. It’s a lovely shop and I will miss it. We are lucky, though, to have several other wonderful quilts shops in our area.

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