Still Seeing Stars

The star block I started playing with last week has expanded, now measuring 24½”:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I cut enough fabric to make three more blocks and fashioned a plastic template to help me line up the points on the ring around the star:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

What’s going on here? I have no idea. We’ll just have to see where it takes me.




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4 Responses to Still Seeing Stars

  1. Pat Williams says:

    A very pretty block. Will you have a pattern later? I am addicted to stars and would like to have this pattern when you get it perfected.

    • Dawn says:

      A pattern? I’m not sure, Pat! If I do, I will be sure to let you know. As you can see, I am addicted to stars, too!

  2. Charlotte Quiroz says:

    I love this kind of quilting…. just start creating and see where it goes.

  3. Sandy says:

    You are amazing! I love seeing what you come up with!

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