That Singleton Block

I think this is the final layout for my cheddar and indigo quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundI’ve been moving the little six-inch Sawtooth Star blocks around to get the best distribution of the stars with light and cheddar centers and am finally satisfied with the layout you see above. They’re surrounded by larger Sawtooth Stars with Churn Dash blocks in their centers, called “Churning Stars” after the design by Jenifer Gaston.

As you can see, the little Sawtooth Stars are grouped in twos and threes. In my layout I had one six-inch spot left over — and that’s where “that singleton block” appears. But it’s not a Sawtooth Star; it’s a Churn Dash. Do you spot it? Look in the lower right part of the photo.

Isn’t that a sweet little Churn Dash? It started out as a three-inch block . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

. . . that now nestles inside a block that will finish at six inches:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I have my friend Colleen to thank for the creation of this block. Back in November when we were together at Quilt Camp I was making my first Churning Star blocks — the ones that finish at 12″ and 18″ inches square — with no plan as to what I would do with them. It was Colleen who suggested I add some six-inch blocks. That was a great suggestion because it turned out I would need a whole bunch of them.

Then Colleen said, “Why don’t you make a three-inch block?” So I did. Just one. It wasn’t until I had completed my layout of the quilt on graph paper that I saw a special place for that one wee Churn Dash block.

Standing back 10 feet from my design wall, I am really liking the way the blocks are offset due to the layout and their different sizes. And I am liking the way the Sawtooth Stars are scattered over the surface of the quilt.

Hmmm! Scattered Stars . . . that just might turn out to be the name of this quilt.




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13 Responses to That Singleton Block

  1. Vickie Rooks says:

    This is a fantastic layout! Everything looks evenly distributed! This is the point where I would really appreciate a mathematical formula for completing the layout. I am in love with the single Churn Dash block. It is as if your modern blocks are saluting the traditional origins of quilting.

  2. Virginia says:

    Looks perfect!

  3. Maureen in Canada says:

    Oh my gosh, I love this! Great work & the wee churn dash is perfect in the layout.

  4. anna says:

    Very nice, Dawn!

  5. Jeanne says:

    Cute little churn dash.

  6. Arrowhead Gramma says:

    This is going to be spectacular when finished.

  7. Pam says:

    Wowser!!! If you’ve ever thought of pattern writing, this would sell, for sure. Spectacular.

  8. Diane says:

    What a stunning result. Everything about it is fun, bright, and colorful!

  9. Dianne McD. says:

    Love the layout of the stars! Do I see partial seams in your future? Would love to know your plan for getting this all together.

    • Dawn says:

      Lots of partial seams, Dianne! I’m going to sew it together in sections. I will probably write a post on how I did it.

  10. Colleen says:

    I love, love, love it! I also am looking forward to a pattern ;D. This has turned out spectacularly! Are you planning on borders? Very curious as to your thoughts on that. And the name!!! Perfect.

  11. Clara Chandler says:

    Lovely design!! I enjoyed reading your posts about this quilt.

  12. Kristi Castanette says:

    This is a wonderful layout of your blocks. I love it. This quilt would be beautiful in red, white and blue also. I’m interested in how you sew the blocks together too. Thanks for sharing.

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