Where It’s @: Finished!

When I finished piecing Where It’s @ last month, I looked at all the batiks used in the quilt and wondered what color I should choose for the binding. Green, orange or purple?

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

As you can see, green was the winner . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
. . . and when you look at the back of the quilt, you’ll see why:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The back just had to be framed in green, right?

For a touch of whimsy I made a wonky Greek key block for the label and appliquéd it to the back:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Finished size: 57″ x 72″
Pattern: Rewind by Karla Alexander of Saginaw Street Quilts
Quilted by Karlee Sandell of sewinspired2day.com
Fabrics: batiks pulled from my stash

This quilt was started in July in a class with Karla at Quilter’s Affair, the week of classes in Sisters, Oregon that precedes the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show.




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3 Responses to Where It’s @: Finished!

  1. Ione Melim says:

    Belos trabalhos!!

    Feliz Natal!! Feliz Ano Novo!!!

    Ione Melim

  2. Diane says:

    A simply stunning result!!

  3. Jeanne says:

    And you do like green….

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