A Walk in the Neighborhood

It’s a bit of a stretch. The reference is to the walking foot on my Janome sewing machine, used to quilt Uptown Funk, my version of the Dresden Neighborhood quilt.

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I seriously considered doing some free motion quilting in the background. Little spirals would have looked good or perhaps some pebbling. Alas, free motion quilting is not my strong suit. After considerable waffling I opted to keep it simple and go for straight lines. The doors on my wonky Dresden houses appear to radiate from the center circle so I extended the concept with my quilting lines radiating to the outer edges of the quilt.

Here’s a peek at the backing fabric:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundThe fabric, an older print from Timeless Treasures, features another kind of uptown neighborhood: Central Park in New York City. I’ve used this fun retro print in other projects and am happy to report I have plenty left. (There’s a funny story about this fabric you can read about here.)

My wonky Dresden neighborhood quilt measures 24″ x 26″ after trimming. Now I’m trying to decide what fabric to use for binding. Solid black seems too severe. Solid green? No, that would be too much green. I’m leaning toward using one of the black prints from the quilt and maybe inserting a very thin green flange.

Do you approve?





This entry was posted in free motion quilting, Janome 9450QCP, update, wall hanging, wonky Dresden neighborhood. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to A Walk in the Neighborhood

  1. Kristi Castanette says:

    Your neighborhood quilt is adorable. Very funky in a really good way! A green flange with a black print binding would set off your quilt and frame it nicely.

  2. Vickie Rooks says:

    Your neighborhood is looking very happy. For the binding, you could consider a flange binding with the outer part being black and white such as your zebra fabric and the flange being a lime green. Truly whatever you choose will look great.

  3. Sandy says:

    Your quilt turned out so cute, and I love your backing fabric. You never cease to amaze me.

  4. Venita says:

    This is so so delightful. One of the black prints for binding will be perfect. I very much look forward to taking this class with you!! Stay well: stay safe!

  5. Arden Shelton says:

    Yes, one of the black prints for binding plus green flange is a great idea. You always have the best backings! I LUV it!

  6. Deborah says:

    Hey, Dawn, what about a green flange with white binding?

  7. Diane says:

    I just love it when you end a blog post with a question, thus INVITING comment plus giving your twin a great opportunity to be bossy.

    Black print binding is a great idea, but what I think is a MUST (as did many of your commenters here) is a lime green flange. Oh, and the straight line quilting stitch? Sheer genius.

    Do I approve? Absolutely!

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