An Update, Starring My Little Neighbor

While my grandkids were visiting from California, My Little Neighbor came over for a playdate with granddaughter Beatrice, who will be 10 in October. The girls are just a few months apart in age.

You may remember that My Little Neighbor is working on her first quilt, a 9-patch, sewing the blocks together by hand. This was a project we planned together to help see her through the weeks her left foot was in a cast following a fall from a tree.

MLN brought her basket of blocks over to show us her progress:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
A basketful of blocks


Those squares you see on the table are all she has left to sew into strips of three. After that she will start sewing the strips into 9-patch units. She may be ready to take a little break from sewing, though. Tomorrow, August 5, is the day she has been cleared to start climbing trees again!




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2 Responses to An Update, Starring My Little Neighbor

  1. Ian West says:

    I enjoy reading each new posting. Not than I am a quilter. I can appreciate much of the skill, patterns, and colours. But I also enjoy hearing about your grandmothers, grandchildren, and Little Neighbours. I remember 2 little children from immediately across the road (I think it was 2). This must be one of them, though 7 years older.

    • Dawn says:

      Same kids, Ian! Hard to believe, isn’t it? Can it really be seven years since you were here? You need to come visit!

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