I so enjoyed making a baby quilt using the technique Karin Hellaby describes in her book Pineapple Plus that I’m making a second one:
Isn’t that a sweet block? The print in the center of the block features parasol-toting birds scattered on a field of flowers. The fabric, from my stash, is called Garden Birds by Pam Kitty Morning for Lakehouse Dry Goods. The birds are tossed every which way . . .
. . . so I didn’t bother fussycutting the blocks.
This quilt will be quite scrappy compared with the first one. I’m using mostly medium light values of blue, green, pink, and aqua for the triangles, neatly organized on a cookie sheet:
Here are my first four blocks:
This is just a temporary arrangement. I won’t decide on the final setting till all the blocks are made. The largest triangles that form an on-point square in the center can be one color, four colors, or two colors forming an hourglass as shown above.
I like the design and the process of Pineapple Plus so much I am thinking of making a grown-up version. But first I need to finish this one!
So sweet!
Hi Dawn. It’s a wonderful block. I ordered the book from Amazon immediately. I have a lot of scraps, and I make quilts for kids in Denmark, and that is perfect. Thank you for sharing.
Have a nice summer.
Best regards.
Sweet quilt for some lucky baby!
Ooh! The colors are SO wonderful. The parasol toting birds are perfect. Fun times ahead for a little baby!!