Cascade: the Second Wave

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
You’re looking at slightly under half of the curved braid strips making up one of the  projects now on my design wall. The design is Cascade by Victoria Findlay Wolfe of and the curved braid strips were cut using her acrylic template.

I’m calling this “the second wave” because I’m putting the curved strips up on my design wall in three sections. (You can see the first wave and read about my initial efforts here.) The second wave isn’t complete but I thought you might like to see how far I’ve gotten.

This is an experiment in gradations of value and color that is taking me far outside my comfort zone on so many levels. Right now I’m working with medium light to light strips but very soon the strips will start getting darker. The lower half of the quilt, especially on the right hand side, will be quite dark.

See that strip across the top of the photo above? That’s a piece of grosgrain ribbon pinned where the quilt top will be trimmed after the curved braid strips are sewn together. It helps me visualize what the top of the quilt will look like, something like this:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The position of several strips has changed since these photos were taken a couple of days ago. I’m finding the placement of gold and grey strips especially challenging. I will persevere . . . slowly . . . trusting that by the time the third wave is up I’ll be happy with the outcome.

While I ponder the placement of curves in this very modern quilt, I’m continuing to work on Hazel’s Diary Quilt, the lovely traditional sampler quilt designed by Shelly Pagliai that I recently started. I’m getting ready to appliqué flowers and leaves to the center square of a block called Canasta.

Needleturn appliqué — now that’s a good project to have on hand as the coverage of the winter Olympics commences. Will you be watching the Olympics? If so, will you have handwork to carry you through the commercials?




This entry was posted in curved braid quilt, Hazel's Diary Quilt, needleturn appliqué, update. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Cascade: the Second Wave

  1. Vickie says:

    Another absolutely stunning work in progress!

  2. Claudia McCarter says:

    Cascade is beautiful! What a challenge! But you of all people are up to it!
    I am doing a lot of handwork this winter, English Paper Piecing. Not only for the Olympics but to see me through my two hip replacement surgeries this past 4 months. It’s been a lifesaver!

  3. Sandy says:

    That looks so challenging! I can’t wait to see it finished. I’m working on my taxes while watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics.

  4. Virginia Hammon says:

    It’s fun to see your progress. It definitely looks like a challenge to put together! —but, well worth the effort. It’s going to be quite dramatic and lovely.

  5. Peggy Kelly says:

    It’s looking GREAT!

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