Category Archives: aprons

Progress Report

After returning last month from a week in Sisters, Oregon, home of the largest outdoor quilt show in the world, I posted about the quilt show and the terrific class I took. Before I had a chance to write a third post about what I accomplished that week, my husband and I left on a road trip to California to visit our two youngest granddaughters (9 and 12). We brought them back to Portland to spend a few days with us. My sewing and quilting projects languished but I didn’t mind because I was having such fun with the girls.

They are home in San Francisco now. The house is quiet. Elfie the cat has come out of hiding. And I’m back in my sewing room taking stock of the projects I worked on in Sisters. Remember the sewing machine cover designed by Monique Dillard of Open Gate Quilts that I posted about here? This is my version so far:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
sewing machine cover, in progress


When it’s finished, it will look something like this:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Monique Dillard’s design


I finished binding my pink and green quilt, Framboise, made from my 4-Patch Wonder pattern:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Framboise, bound but not labeled


When the label is on, I’ll declare the quilt finished and post a proper picture in my Gallery. That’s Elfie, by the way, who doesn’t seem the least bit interested in my quilt.

I’m very excited about my newest design, the Monterey Bay Apron. After making eight versions and tweaking each one, I’m finally satisfied with the cut and the fit. Here is a look at Number Nine:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Monterey Bay Apron


A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
back of Monterey Bay Apron


The belt is secured to the back with buttons. In the photo above, the ends of the belt were temporarily pinned to the back, adjusted for my model, Geri. The ends can be positioned anywhere along the back, making the apron one-size-fits-most. Here is a close-up of the front:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
detail, Monterey Bay Apron


The pattern should be available in just a few weeks!




Posted in 4-Patch Wonder, aprons, family, sewing machine cover, Sisters OR Outdoor Quilt Show, update | Comments Off on Progress Report