Happy National Quilting Day!

Today is National Quilting Day, a celebration of all things related to — of course! — quilting.

It seems fitting to celebrate with a shoutout to Billie Mahorney, who taught me so much about quiltmaking. I took classes from Billie at the Pine Needle Quilt Shop from 2005 until 2009, when she retired and moved to Idaho. How I wish I had discovered her sooner!

Here I am with Billie’s Star, the quilt I designed and made in 2015 in homage to Billie:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Among the many tools and techniques I learned from Billie were how to draft a quilt block and how to get sharp points on my stars — two things that came in very handy while making this quilt.

To read more about the making of Billie’s Star, click on this link.

To read more about National Quilting Day, click here.




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2 Responses to Happy National Quilting Day!

  1. Sandy Eacker says:

    You look charming, my friend!

  2. Diane says:

    One of the things I most enjoy about your quilting journey is that it started not all that long ago. You shouldn’t worry about not having met Billie sooner as there is ample evidence she taught you just enough to ignite your passion. And, my gosh, look at the spectacular results!

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