Lyra’s Quilt

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Hydrangea Kaleido quilt top, 47″ x 54″

Remember this quilt? I was working on it back in February (you can read about it here) when I learned that my brother’s son and his wife were expecting their first child, due in August. They didn’t want to know the sex of the baby until it arrived. In the back of my mind I was thinking that if the baby were a girl, this might become her quilt.

At the end of August, their daughter was born. I was still considering this quilt for her but didn’t decide for sure until it came back from long-arm quilter Nancy Stovall of Just Quilting. Then I knew it would be perfect for a sweet little girl. Nancy quilted a sunburst motif in the center of each kaleidoscope block and a tessellating clamshell design in the background. Take a look:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
44″ x 51″ After Quilting


On the back I put a big strip of the hydrangea focus fabric and converted a leftover kaleido block into a circle:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
44″ x 51″ After Quilting


On this detail photo of the back you can get a better look at the quilted sunburst:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Quilting Detail


The label was made using a compact disc (described in my tutorial here):

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The photo above, which gives you a better look at the tessellating clamshell motif, was taken after the quilt was washed, giving it that soft puckery look.

Lyra’s quilt — #7 in my series of kaleidoscope quilts — will soon be on its way to her. I hope she likes it!





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4 Responses to Lyra’s Quilt

  1. Reigh Hays says:

    She will love it! It’s as beautiful as she is – and that is beautiful!

  2. Vickie says:

    Lyra will love her quilt! How could she not when it is so stunning. Nice job!

  3. Gary (aka Lyra's Dad, lucky guy, and Dawn's nephew) says:

    What a wonderful gift Aunt Dawn! How Lucky is Lyra to have such an amazingly talented Great Aunt and wonderful family?! Thank you so much!!

  4. Claudia McCarter says:

    This is so beautiful! I’ve got to try one of these quilts!

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