One Thing Leads to Another . . .

You already know that I’m crazy about kaleidoscope quilts. My most recent effort, Cosmic Kaleidoscopes, contained five oversized kaleidoscope blocks floating on an inky background; it measured 62″ x 82″ before quilting. I wanted to try a scaled down version using softer fabrics and a light background. I sketched a design on graph paper and chose a luscious pink and green hydrangea print as my focus fabric.

The blocks are three different sizes, the largest being 20″ and the smallest 13½â€. I suppose it was inevitable that I would start thinking of them as the Three Bears. Here is Papa Bear:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Papa Bear, 20″ wide

. . . and Mama Bear:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Mama Bear, 17″ wide

. . . and Baby Bear:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Baby Bear, 13½†wide

The next time you see these blocks, they will be in a quilt top, floating on a pale green background.




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7 Responses to One Thing Leads to Another . . .

  1. I love kaleidoscopes too, and the octagons the most. It’s beautiful. I’m teaching a class in May, and I’ll get inspiration from you. Thank you Dawn.

  2. Peg Kelly says:


  3. Lisa Kus says:

    Another visual feast! So very lovely. Thank you for sharing, Dawn.

  4. Patty says:

    What beautiful fabric – and on the pale green background, it will be very “spring-y”….

  5. Sandy says:

    Love them all can’t wait to see finished product!!!

  6. Cindy Morris says:

    I can’t wait to see papa, mama, and baby floating on green!

  7. […] may recall from a recent post that I was using this fabric to make three sizes of kaleidoscope blocks that I was calling Papa […]

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