Reach for the Stars, Revisited

Thanks to modern technology, I made virtual friends last year with several quiltmakers who, like me, were enchanted with Terri Krysan’s star sampler quilt, Reach for the Stars, and decided to make their own versions. Directions for the quilt were released in serial form by Quilter’s Newsletter beginning with the Oct./Nov. 2013 issue. As each issue was released, our little band of quiltmakers would share our progress and cheer each other on.

Last fall I began corresponding with Fawn S. of New York, who was working on two versions of Reach for the Stars — one as a birthday gift for her mother and one for herself. Several of the quilters in Fawn’s group, the Honey Bees, were also making RFTS. Now Fawn has sent me photos of quilts and quilt tops made by her and her quilting colleagues Rose, Linda, Nancy, and Janet. I am so happy to share those photos with you.

First up, the quilt Fawn made for her mother:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
This quilt, featuring fussy-cut cardinals, was made with deep reds, tans, and browns. Here’s the center medallion . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

. . . and here’s a close-up of one of those fussy-cut cardinals:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundFawn quilted this herself on her mid-arm. Beautiful!

Rose’s finished quilt is a handsome combination of blues, greens, and tans, very dramatic against a white background:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundLove the batiks. And did you notice the accent pillow?

Linda’s focus fabric is a lovely floral on a soft blue background. Her palette of greens, pinks, and creams, combined with that floral focus fabric, yielded this romantic result:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The version of RFTS that Fawn is making for herself is made with teals, tans, and browns:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

It features a different bird print than the one she used on her mother’s quilt.

Nancy’s version also features birds. Her color palette includes deep reds, tans, and blues:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Can’t wait to see both of those quilts with the borders added.

Although this next photo is not in sharp focus, you can still appreciate the gorgeous combination of fabrics in Janet’s quilt top:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundRusts, corals, tans, and greens on a cream background — so striking. And the batik print in her checkerboard border sets off the inner fabrics beautifully.

Thank you, Honey Bees of  Honeyville, NY, for sharing your beautiful quilts with me! I hope seeing them inspires others who are also reaching for the stars to keep working on their own versions.




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4 Responses to Reach for the Stars, Revisited

  1. Vickie says:

    Thank you! It is a treat to see the same pattern made up in a variety of fabric choices. Really amazing at how different each quilt is and all are stunning!

  2. Arden says:

    They are gorgeous. I hope you are sending the photos to QNM!

  3. Yvonne says:

    Love all of them – each and every one of them in their different colorways.

  4. char quiroz says:

    BEAUTIFUL!!! This is what I love about quilters (and all artistic types) — the same pattern makes such different, equally beautiful quilts!!

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