Valancing Act, Part 2

The simple tailored valances I made for my sister Diane’s garage are in place:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

They were put up with spring tension rods because we knew the white trim around the windows would offer a crisp contrast with the blue floral valance fabric. (And you already know how I love blue and white.)

Here’s a close-up of one window:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Diane is horrified that I’m posting these pictures before she spackled the holes from the old curtain rod and touched up the paint. I assured her my readers would use their imaginations and pretend not to see them.

She loves the new valances, in no small part because of what she calls the “happy fabric.” We are definitely on the same page in that regard.

We both loved the valances I made last year:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

It sure is a shame the ruffles got all floppy from the humidity (described in my last post).

Perhaps you are wondering what’s going to happen to those valances. Let me reassure you they will be repurposed in some fashion. The fabric really is beautiful:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I’ve already cut off the ruffled tops and rod pockets, leaving two rectangles measuring roughly 16″ x 66″. There’s enough there to make a couple of beautiful pillows or some other home dec or crafty item. If you have any suggestions, feel free to direct them my way.

And for those of you who saw my pictures from a year ago and thought Diane and Ed’s garage looked pristine and unused, here’s proof that they actually park their cars in it:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I hope those of you who celebrate American Thanksgiving had a delicious repast yesterday. We sure did, and now we get to enjoy the next best thing:  leftovers!




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2 Responses to Valancing Act, Part 2

  1. Diane says:

    I just love having the same valances I adored in your renovated kitchen. Another twin thing! Thanks, Nubs, you are the very best.

  2. Bridget says:

    Love the valances and dream of a garage like that! Sadly I still need to make curtains for the tack room. It just doesn’t draw me in like this garage does…no one would see them!

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