Category Archives: kaleidoscope quilts

Two Steps Forward . . .

. . . and one step back. That’s how the last few days haveplayed outin my sewing room.

Two steps forward: the binding and labelonCatch a Falling Star(my Reach for the Stars sampler quilt):

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Still to come:attaching asleeve on the back(one step back).I’ve decided to enterCatch a Falling Star in a couple of local quilt shows this year, hence the need for a sleeve.Before the sleeve gets attached, though,this quilt is going to bephotographed in a studio.That’s something I can’t do at home because I don’t have a suitable space for a full flat shot.Several readers have asked for a look at the entire quilt as well as more photosof Loretta Orsborn’s lovely quilting, and I promise they are forthcoming.

A coupledays agoI decided to finish my Sun Flowers wall hanging. I pieced a backingand pin-basted the layers. Two steps forward. Without aquilting plan in mind I startedstitching in the ditch on the horizontal seams. Then I stitched the vertical seams andsashing strips on one of the kaleidoscope blocks. At that point Idecided what I really wanted to do with this little quilt was stitch diagonally across the surface. Those horizontal and vertical stitching lines had to go.

I picked outall of the quilting. BIGstep back:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

It was actually a good thing I picked out thequiltingbecause I had pin-basted the layers rather hastily and the back was not entirely smooth. With the quilting stitches removed,I was able to adjust the layers, and this time I thread-basted them.I put the quilt on my design wall and started thinking about my quilting plan.

Now I’m second-guessing my decision on the diagonal quilting. It seems to me it might distract from the kaleidoscope blocks, which are the star of the show.One thing’s for sure: thisquilt is not going under the needle on my sewing machine until I have a plan firmly in place.

In the meantime, I’m going to start piecing the backing for another quilt.One step forward.




Posted in kaleidoscope quilts, Reach for the Stars sampler quilt, update | 4 Comments

4-Patch Twist Bed Runner

I finished piecing thebed runner I started a couple of weeks ago. (I wrote about it here and here.) When last you saw it, it looked like this, measuring about 34½” x 68″:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The plan was to increase the length so it would drop over the sides of a queen-size bed. I had verylittle of the background fabric left, though. (It’s hard to see from the photo that the background fabric is an inkyblue and black batik print. I had only a yardto begin with — and I used every bit of it.)Iinserted a 1½”-widedecorative strip at each end, working withthe two fabricsused aslattice strips around the 4-PatchWonder blocks in the interior.

Now the bed runnerlooks like this:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The inserts andend pieces added 10″ to the length. I trimmed a bit fromthe sidesso now the bed runnermeasures 32″ x 78″.

Myquilt already has a name:Olivia Twist. (Yes, that’sa nod toCharles Dickens.)The reasons behind the name? First, the focus fabric is from a linecalled A Garden for Olivia by In the Beginning Fabrics. Second, the quilt is based on thetwist block that produces the wonderful interlocking design you see above.The twist blockdates back to1870, whichbycoincidence is the very yearCharles Dickens died.

Now it’s on to the backing for this quilt. I have a good-sized piece of the focus fabric on hand for the back. People always want to know that the fabric looked like before it was cut up!




Posted in 4-Patch Wonder, bed runners, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, snowball blocks, update | 6 Comments

4-Patch Twist Update

It’s still in progress but here’s a shot of thebed runner quiltI’m working on:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s Variation on 4-Patch Wonder with a Twist

Can you believe all the blocks came from the same focus fabric?I never tire of making these faux-kaleidoscope blocks. It’sso much fun to see theamazingvariety of images created bystacking four repeatsand cutting them into squares.For more information on the fabrics I usedand the two simple blocks that created theinterlocking twist design, see my previous post.

Right now my quilt topmeasures34½” x 68″but it’s going to be a little bit longerbecause I want more of a drop over the sides of the bed.I haven’t decided yet whether to simply add strips ofbackground fabric to the short ends or incorporatea pieced element with color.

Hmmm. Maybe I should sleep on it.




Posted in 4-Patch Wonder, bed runners, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, snowball blocks, update | 4 Comments

Updating an Old Favorite

Recognize this quilt?

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
It’s All in the Twist, 57″ x 65″ (2011)


It’s one of my favorites:It’s All in the Twist, made from my 4-Patch Wonder with a Twist pattern. The original quilt has been on display at the Pine Needle Quilt Shop for quite a spell. It was high time, I decided recently, tomake a new version, so I started on one last week using thesefabrics I showed you a couple of weeks ago:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Pleasing Fabric Combo


The floral focus fabric is from a line calledA Garden for Olivia designed byLida Enche for In theBeginning Fabrics.I thought it would serve up some interesting and beautiful four-patch kaleidoscope blocks (I call them 4-Patch Wonder blocks) –and I was right. I paired the focus fabric with an aquablender, also fromIn the Beginning Fabrics, and two batiks from my stash.The dark batik may look solid black in the photo but it’s actually a navy and blackprint.

The quilt design is deceptively simple: it starts with a snowball blockand an alternating block, both finishing at 6″ square. When the blocks are joinedtogether, you see snowballs surrounded byinterlocking ribbons. Take a look at this4-Patch Wonder snowball blockbetween twoalternating blocks:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Two Simple Blocks


Now see what happens when the blocks are butted up against each other:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Making the Connection


The illusion is complete when rows are sewn together. This is how far I’ve gotten doing just that:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
4-Patch Twist in Progress


Isn’t that pretty?

Thisis my favorite part of quiltmaking: when you start sewing the rows together andcan finally see if the reality matches the picture you had in your headwhen you chose the fabrics andsettled on a design.

I’m departing from the original quilt in one other respect:instead of a throw, I’m making a bed runner. It seems to me the quilt worldhas been very slow to embrace the concept of bed runners. In 2014 I stayed in hotels seven times, ranging from my home state of Oregon to as far away as New York and Florida, and in every single one the beds were accented with bed runners.

It’s an idea whose time has come. I’m jumping on board! How about you?




Posted in bed runners, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, snowball blocks, update | 4 Comments

Sun Flowers

Last week was remarkable for the amount of time I didn’t spend in my sewing room. The week was completely taken up with appointments, errands, holiday shopping and decorating,a couple ofparties, and –it must be admitted –way too manyScrabble games.

At least I got the blocks put together formy Season to Taste table runner:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Sun Flowers, 18″ x 56″

I’m making a version of Season to Tastefor each of the four seasons. This one is the summer version,and I’m going to call itSun Flowers. Thepale gray background fabric (from the Painter’s Canvas line by Laura Gunn for Michael Miller) reminds me of asummer sky at first light.

The kaleidoscope blocks went together very easily but I amunhappy that the centers of themiddle and bottom blocks don’tmatchexactly. It appears acouple of the repeats were just a smidge off when I cut through the eight layers of my focus fabric. With a kaleido block, being offeven a sixteenth of an inch can make adifference.

Since Sun Flowersis destinedto be a wall hanging, I’m going to place a vintage yellow button in the center of each kaleidoscope block.I auditioned a fewbuttons in my collection:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Middle block
A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Bottom Block

I’m going topretend that adding the buttons was adesign choice rather than a ployto cover my cutting error.You won’t tell anyone, will you?




Posted in kaleidoscope quilts, update | 7 Comments

Planning Ahead

Our wonderful two-week visit with family in Atlanta is coming to a close.On Monday morning I’ll be back home in Oregon, in mysewing room, and I’m already thinking about what I want to work on.

Rememberthis kaleidoscope block that I made back in June?

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Last month I made two more blocks. Here are the three of them together:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I’m going to make them into a table/runner wall hanging using my Season to Taste pattern. I’ve made a fall and spring version; this will be the summer version. Just before leaving for Atlanta two weeks ago Iordered some more of the yellow polka dot fabric — it should be waiting for me when I get home.

Also on my mind are these lusciousfabrics:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundI have a plan for them but will make a test block or two before sharing it.

I’ve been in home dec mode this last couple of weeks so it will be good to get back to quiltmaking!




Posted in family, kaleidoscope quilts, update | 3 Comments

New Pattern: Season to Taste

Last weekIwrapped up Part 2 of a kaleidoscope table runner class at the Pine Needle Quilt Shop.The class sprang fromtwo table runners I hadmade earlier this year –same design but totally different outcomes because of the fabric choices. I wrote about them in this post in March.

Bothrunners appear on the cover of my latest pattern,Season to Taste:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s newest pattern

That’s Autumn Reflections on the left and a springtimeversion,Under Paris Skies, on the right.I’m thinking about making a summer and winter version, which will give me a quartet of seasonal table runners made from the same pattern, eachvery different from one another.

My summer version may already be in the works. For the kaleido block I was demonstrating in class, I usedthis floral fabric from the Gray Matters collectionby Jacqueline Savage Mcfee for Camelot Cottons:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Gray Matters, Camelot Cottons

Yes, there’s a lot of gray in this piece of fabricbut it’soffset by a sunny yellow and bright gold. The white brightens it up even more. I bought a piece of the floral last year and was so excited when it was reissued this year along with some fabulous companion fabrics. Between the Pine Needle and Hawthorne Threads, I picked up several pieces in the line that willdefinitely find their way into another quilt.

Are you curious to see what this print looks like as a kaleido block? Well, here ’tis:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s Sunny Kaleido Block





Posted in kaleidoscope quilts, update | 8 Comments

Banana Appeal

Myquilt Banana Split has been back from the quilter for several weeks now. I finally got it bound and photographed, and now it’s ready to be presented to you:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Banana Split, 40 1/2″ x 50 1/2″ (2014)


If you lookat the fabric in the centers of the stars,you can see where my quilt got its name. Here’s a close-up of one block:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
4-Patch Wonder Block, 11″ with Sashing

The centers are all 4-Patch Wonder blocks, myname for blocks made of four repeats yielding afaux-kaleidoscope effect.

Banana Splitwas beautifully quilted by Debbie Scroggy of All Quilted, LLC. I went to Debbie’sstudio and together we selected the thread and the quilting motifs (spirals in the main body of the quilt and in the corners, andpiano keys in the borders).I expected the thread of choice would be a pale yellow. Much to my surprise, it was a deep gold that looked the best when we pooled all of the contenderson the quilt top.

The thread had such a lovely sheen that I asked Debbie to put it on the back of the quilt, too:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Back of Banana Split


Thepanels on either side of the big star block above showthefocus fabricI used on the 4-Patch Wonder blocks.The circle in the center is a kaleidoscopemade from the same focus fabric.Here’s a close-up of the big star:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s Big Block (18″ Square)

The more I look at this bigblock, the more I like it. I was just goofing around when I made itbut nowI think it has real possibilities.Four blockswould make a perfectly sized baby quilt.I’ll hold on to that thought, as I have a couple of baby quiltsto make in the next few months.

In the meantime, I have plenty of works in progressthat need attention, not to mention the stack ofUFOs(Unfinished Objects)I am committed to whittlingdown this year. Happily,Banana Split is no longer in that category.




Posted in 4-Patch Wonder, faux-kaleido quilts, kaleidoscope quilts, update | 2 Comments

Sous le Ciel de Paris

That’s French for “Under Paris Skies.” It’sthe name of a song I betyou’drecognizeif I hummed a few bars. It’s alsothe name of my newly finishedlittle quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Under Paris Skies measures about 18″ x 55″. I used eight different fabrics in theoctagons, five of them fussy-cut. No matter which way you turn thequilt, you see vignettes of Parisians young and oldenjoying a spring day in the City of Light.There’s an Eiffel Tower in each block, too.

The quilt below, which I finished a few weeks ago,is the same size and design but has a completely different look,more like a realkaleidoscope viewed through a tubemade of bits of colored glass or paper. When the tube is rotated, the reflections produce changing patterns that are visible through an eyehole.

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

This quilt is namedAutumn Reflections. The focus fabric, from the Autumn Harvest line by Jason Yenter for In the Beginning Fabrics, has pumpkins on it, big leaves, andgrapes or berries.You’d never know it from looking at the finished blocks,though. Interesting howcutting up the focus fabric into 45 degree wedges completely changes what you see.

I’m going to be teaching a class in June on this design.Students can make their quilt witheight repeats of fabric, as in the autumn version,or eight different fabrics, as in the spring version. Vive le différence!







Posted in kaleidoscope quilts, update | 3 Comments

Gay Paree . . . and Pantone

The photos in yesterday’s post didn’t do justice to Gay Paree, the new Michael Miller fabric I just used in a kaleidoscope table runner. Gay Paree is a novelty fabric featuring slightly abstractscenes of Paris. There’s a young couple sitting at an outdoor café, a little girl buying flowers from a street vendor, another vendor selling baguettes, and a nunfeeding birds. There’s also a smartly dressedwoman walking her dogs — poodles, of course –near the Eiffel Tower and a sailor kissing his sweetheart by a fountain. A whimsicalpanorama indeed:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Gay Paree by Michael Miller Fabrics


I fussy-cut six different images from the fabric and inserted them randomly, two to a block, in my table runner:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Dawn’s Runner, Waiting to Be Quilted


You may be wondering what this Gay Paree fabric has to do with Pantone. Do you know about Pantone? It’san Americancorporation best known for its standardized color reproduction system, known as PMS (Pantone Matching System).The system is used in a variety of industries where accurate color reproduction is really important — printing, of course, but also in the manufacture of paint and fabrics.

Every year Pantone declares a “Color of the Year,”which guidesconsumer-oriented companies — think florists, fashion designers, fabric manufacturers — in product design and future planning. I happened to be in a paint store the other day and stopped in front of aPantone display, which featured the three most recent Colors of the Year.The 2012 Pantone Color of the Year — Tangerine Tango — was the very shade of orange-y red in my Gay Paree fabric!Take a look:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Gay Paree/Tangerine Tango


It just so happens that Gay Paree comes in two other colorways: a brightemerald green and a vibrant orchid:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Gay Paree in Emerald and Orchid Colorways


And it also just so happens thatPantone’s Color of the Year for 2013 isEmerald and 2014’s color is Radiant Orchid:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Pantone’s 2013 and 2014 Colors of the Year


Coincidence? I think not! Savvy marketing? Mais oui!




Posted in kaleidoscope quilts, update | 5 Comments