Friday Finish: Stella by Starlight

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundHere it is Friday afternoon on Christmas Eve and I was able to put the finishing touches on Stella by Starlight, my “kaleido-spinner” quilt, in time to take it outside for a few photos on the back deck before dusk. Stella by Starlight finished at 51½” x 71″.

As much as I enjoy sewing down binding, it has become quite a challenge since Coco the cat came into our lives in May. When I’m sitting in a chair with the quilt I’m binding draped around me, she thinks I have made a fort for her to play hide and seek in. Any little movement causes her to leap into action, pouncing wildly here and there, and I seriously worry she is going to do some damage to my quilt. I have to wait till she is napping so I can sneak in a little handwork:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Stella is bound in the same Cotton + Steel fabric (“Sprinkle”) that I used for the background. I love how the tiny white dots look like a sprinkling of stars in the night sky. That’s just one of several reasons why this quilt came to be named Stella by Starlight.

Here’s Stella from the back:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
That strip of floral fabric is all I have left after making the kaleido-spinner and kaleidoscope blocks on the front. I also used it in my friend Miriam’s Junior Billie Bag.

See that little yellow hexagon in the lower right corner? That’s the label. Here’s a closer look:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The label is the same size and shape as the centers of the kaleido-spinner blocks on the front. Same fabric, too. (If you are interested in how I came up with the term “kaleido-spinner” to describe my blocks, you can check this post from October.)

Even though Stella contains only four true kaleidoscope blocks, I am including it in my series of kaleidoscope quilts. I believe this one is #11. The others are pictured in my Gallery under the subheadings Quilts and Table Runners/Wall Hangings.

I hope your next few days are full of fun, family, friends, and — of course! — fabric.




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3 Responses to Friday Finish: Stella by Starlight

  1. Nancy Balding says:

    I really enjoy your work, you have such talent! One day I hope to be able to take a class from you.

  2. Diane says:

    This REALLY is one of my favorites! How can you top this? Doesn’t seem possible, but I know better. Can’t wait to see the next creation!

  3. Jeanne says:

    Oh Coco. You rambunctious child.
    Silly girl.

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