It’s a Wrap: Dutch Treat

I finished binding and labeling Dutch Treat yesterday. The rain held off just long enough for a few shots taken in the back yard:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundRed and green look so good together, don’t they?

Here you can see the entire quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The windmill blocks measure 12″ square and the pinwheels in the center of each block measure 4″ square. The block is a variation of the classic Winding Ways quilt block usually made with curved seams. These seams are straight but the overall design of the quilt gives the illusion of overlapping circles.

On the back of the quilt I used leftover blocks:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I know what you’re thinking: “Wow, that’s a lot of leftover blocks.” You’re right — and I didn’t even use all of them. I confess: those extras resulted from a miscalculation on my part. At least I was able to put most of them to good use.

Here’s a close-up of the label:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I made the label round using a compact disc for a pattern (described in my tutorial) and then set the label inside a larger circle of red fabric so it would stand out against the backing fabric.

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I’m so pleased with the quilting of longarmer Debbie Scroggy. You can see close-ups of Debbie’s quilting in this earlier post.

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Dutch Treat (named for the windmill-shaped block)
48″ x 60″
Adapted from the pattern A Mid-Winter’s Night by Cottage Rose
Fabrics: a mix of reds and two light background prints, all from my stash
Quilted by Debbie Scroggy of All Quilted LLC

To read older posts about the making of Dutch Treat, click on the category “windmill block” at the bottom of this post.

Thanks for stopping by. It’s always fun to share a finish!




This entry was posted in quilt labels, update, Winding Ways quilt block, windmill block. Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to It’s a Wrap: Dutch Treat

  1. Shirley Weissenfluh says:

    Fabulous colors: love red and white:))


  2. Reigh Hays says:


  3. Auntie Em says:

    Really pretty! Great job!

  4. Venita says:

    It is very pretty; Debbie’s quilting is beautiful as well. I am still saddened, selfishly, to learn of her move to Tennessee.

  5. Linda says:

    Beautiful! And the back is just as pretty as the front!

  6. Sandy says:

    That is my favorite! I want to make one in that pattern.

  7. Colleen Coffman says:

    So pretty!

  8. Diane says:

    Oh my gosh, this is stunning! Next time I’m there, I dibs it for a TV watching lap cover!!

  9. Anne Bender says:

    Dawn, this quilt is beautiful hypnotic! All I see is circles then again the… squares, like magic!
    You are our Quilt Magician!
    xoxox Anne

  10. Manjiree says:

    Just beautiful! I would love to make this pattern. Could you please tell us what adaptation did you make? I will be buying this pattern soon to make it in red and white!

  11. Dawn says:

    Hello, Manjiree. I explained my adaptation in this post of Feb. 24, 2017:
    I refer you to the post because the photos illustrate the “small but significant” change I made. Best wishes — Dawn

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