More Marvelous Mitts

Oven mitts, that is. I’ve made a few pair recently for friends and family. Tracy’s mitts are a royal blue tone-on-tone floral:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I quilted a 1″ grid which offers a pleasing contrast to the curves of the petals. The lining fabric is a bright blue and yellow paisley print with just a touch of silvery metallic:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Jeanne Ann’s mitts are made of a blue and green filigree fabric that I’ve used in several projects:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

These were quilted with random wavy lines, a design I like a lot and can do easily and quickly using my walking foot (no marking lines needed). The lining is the same dotted fabric used for the band at the cuff.

I love that filigree fabric so much I scoured the Internet last week for more and was lucky enough to find a yard. I’m tempted to make a pair of mitts for myself out of it. But wait! I’m using that fabric — as well as the royal blue floral in Tracy’s mitts — in my current Sea Sampler project so I’d better move the idea of new mitts to the back burner. (I don’t need new mitts in any case; the ones I made two years ago look almost new, despite having made multiple trips through the washer and dryer.)

My friends David and Ken embarked on a major kitchen remodel last year so I told them I’d make them a pair of mitts as a “kitchen warming†present. The remodeling project was drawn out much longer than expected due to the pandemic. Shipping delays, mostly. But their kitchen is finished now and so are their mitts:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

David gave me an outline of his hand so I could make a custom pattern:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

These mitts are considerably larger than the other ones I’ve made so far. In fact, they’re close to the “one size fits all†mitts one sees in the stores – the ones that are too big for me, which is precisely what led me to make my own pattern last year, followed by a tutorial.

Here’s one of David and Ken’s mitts next to one of Tracy’s:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Quite a difference, eh?

Are you ready to make yourself a pair of oven mitts? You can either use my free pattern or follow my directions (in the Prequel to the Tutorial, below) to make a pattern to fit your own hand.

Click here to download the free pattern:
Oven Mitt Pattern, page 1 of 2
Oven Mitt Pattern, page 2 of 2

Oven Mitts that Fit: Prequel to the Tutorial

Oven Mitt Tutorial from First Light Designs, Part 1

Oven Mitt Tutorial from First Light Designs, Part 2




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5 Responses to More Marvelous Mitts

  1. Diane says:

    Tracy, you are going to love these! I have had a pair for quite some time, love them and have used them about 6 times. They work and fit great, but they are too gorgeous to get dirty. Dawn is not happy with me but I treasure them and cannot help myself!

    • Dawn says:

      Diane, Diane! Did you miss the part of my post about how good mine look after two years of daily use and countless launderings? They are very durable, believe me!

  2. Jeanne says:

    Good to hear they bear washing well! I too have trouble using them because they are so pretty!

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