More Mitts

Way back in May I promised my sister Reigh a pair of oven mitts. Good thing she’s a patient person! I finished the mitts last week . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

. . . and popped them in the mail.

Reigh had requested yellow and blue. I chose a medium dark blue tonal print for the outside of the mitt — a practical choice and one I’ve used before — and a lovely blue and yellow floral print for the lining. I must have bought a lot of that floral print back in the day because I used it close to 20 years ago to make a ruffled bedskirt for my twin Diane that was eventually swapped for a more tailored one. It also went into a couple of cloth napkins that are in constant rotation at the Portland White House.

You can see more of the lining fabric in this process photo:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundThat’s a freezer paper pattern I’m sewing around. When the mitt on the left below is trimmed and the cuff is bound, the mitt is turned inside out and looks just like the mitt on the right:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundReigh’s mitts have arrived — she likes them! — and my guess is she has already put them to good use.

Just in case you’re new to my blog, here are links to my tutorials on how to make these oven mitts yourself:

21, Oven Mitts that Fit: Prequel to the Tutorial (April 13, 2021)
21, Oven Mitt Tutorial from First Light Designs, Part 1 (April 18, 2021)
21, Oven Mitt Tutorial from First Light Designs, Part 2 (April 19, 2021)




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7 Responses to More Mitts

  1. Reigh says:

    I absolutely love them!! What a fun surprise to get in the mail. The colors and prints are perfect (you know me so well)! Thank you so much, Dawn, you’re a sweetheart!

  2. Christine J Lentz says:

    Gorgeous colors!! These are lovely, elegant and fun! So nice to have a tutorial as well. Great gift ideas for holidays and birthdays!

  3. Diane says:

    These will be perfect in Reigh’s kitchen! Hope you can bring yourself to use them, Reigh, because I can’t bear to use mine — they are too beautiful. I’m afraid Dawn is vexed with me.

  4. Vickie Rooks says:

    Reigh is going to love this set of oven mitts! Do you still have more of the floral fabric?

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