Fair Weather, Friend

PresentingFair Weather, Block 10 of Hazel’s Diary Quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I am so in love with this block!Here it ison point, as it will be in the finished quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I think it may be my favorite of the nine pieced blocks that go into Hazel’s Diary Quilt, the lovely sampler quilt designed by Shelly Pagliai of Prairie Moon Quilts.

Tomorrow I’ll post pictures of all nine blocks. One of them will go in the center of the quilt as part of a medallion, and Fair Weather may be the one. I’ll wait until all nine blocks have their red scalloped frames before making a final decision.

I hope you’ll come back tomorrow for a look.





Posted in appliqué, Hazel's Diary Quilt, needleturn appliqué, update | 7 Comments

Junior Billie Bag #8

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundI finished this quilter’s tote, the one and only Junior Billie Bag, last month and plum forgot to post pictures. Better late than never!

The bag, a scaled down version of the original tote designed by Billie Mahorney, measures 14″ across, 17″ high, and 7½” deep. You’ll notice the bag is wide enough for a 6½” x 24″ ruler. That’s my favorite feature of Billie’s wonderful design because it’s an awkward size ruler to carry around.

Here’s a look from the other side:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Every time I make a Junior Billie Bag (or JBB, as I like to call it) I have a lot of fun picking out fabrics and deciding what 12″ blocks to incorporate on the front and back panels. The inset circle shown in the first photo is a favorite design; this one was made from an octagonal kaleidoscope block. A more recent favorite is the windmill block shown above. I fussycut the bloom in the center into a square and added a¼”strip around it.

Take a peek inside the bag, where you can see layers of pockets on all four sides:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Flat items like file folders, books, and patterns fit nicely in the larger pockets, and the smaller pockets hold a plethora of smaller items. There are outside pockets, too. All told, this Junior Billie Bag has somewhere around two dozen pockets. Anything too big too fit into a pocket can go in the center of the bag.

This JBB bag is currently hanging as a class sample in Montavilla Sewing Center‘s Lake Oswego store. In February and March I will teach a three-part workshop so experienced quilters can make their own versions. (Incidentally, in January I will teach a class called “Going in Circles” that highlights the no-pin freezer paper method of making inset circles, a variation of Dale Fleming’s method. More on both classeshere.)

After the class is over I’ll have the pleasure of giving the JBB to a very dear friend.

This JBB is the eighth one I have made. If you’d like to see the first seven bags, you’ll find them here.




Posted in Billie Bag, Junior Billie Bag, update | 6 Comments

Hazel’s Diary Quilt: Fair Weather (Block 10)

What a busy month this is turning out to be! The result: not much time spent in my sewing room. I did manage to finish piecing Fair Weather, Block 10 of Hazel’s Diary Quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

This is the second version. I didn’t like my first attempt, which had a different print where the blue squares are now. This version is much more pleasing to my eye.

Shelly Pagliai, designer of Hazel’s Diary Quilt, started with the traditional Weathervane quilt block and added an original appliqué design in the center:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
That’s quite a bit of appliqué!

Before embarking on the handwork for this block I decided to test my choice of fabrics by photocopying them and cutting the shapes out of paper. Here’s my mock-up:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

You have to imagine the red polkadot petal and black semicircle on all four flowers. The dollar coin in the center is a stand-in for what will probably be a solid red circle.

I’m eager to get started on this one! Then it will be back to work on those scalloped red frames. . .




Posted in appliqué, Hazel's Diary Quilt, needleturn appliqué, update | 5 Comments

Sunday Sewing

Fancy Farm Girl, Block 9 of Hazel’s Diary Quilt, is complete with the addition of the appliqué in the center:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundI’m happy to report the appliqué process went well today. A good thing, as a couple of weeks have passed with no appliqué at all. Maybe I just needed a little break.

I departed from designer Shelly Pagliai’s design by rotating the leaves a quarter turn and enlarging the motif by 20%. When the block is set on point, as it will be in the finished quilt, the leaves form an X rather than a +:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Coco kept me company:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background





Posted in appliqué, cats, Hazel's Diary Quilt, needleturn appliqué, update | 4 Comments

Great Expectations

I was so sure I would get lots of handappliquédone on myHazel’s Diary Quilt blocks during my two-week visit to my sister’s home over Thanksgiving. Instead I found myself occupied with other things. Fun things, to be sure. We experimented with new recipes and baked and went shopping and watched Poldarkon Masterpiece Theater and decorated Diane and Ed’s home for the holidays. And we played endless games of Scrabble.

It’s that last thing that kept me from getting more handwork done.My husband and my sister share this obession. Many times the three of us could be found sitting in the living room with our noses in our iPads, playing Scrabble with each other and not uttering a word. Diane’s husband Ed — who does not play Scrabble — looked on, bemused.

I did manage to complete one red scalloped frame (pictured in this post) and got started on another one:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Since returning home almost a week ago, I’ve picked it up a couple of times but keep putting it down. It may look fine from a distance but I’m not at all happy with some of the points and curves. I don’t know whether to keep going or rip it out and start over.

Best to put it away for a while. Not the entire project, though! I still have one more block that needsappliqué in the center (and I still want to remake the last block I pieced since I don’t like my original fabric choices). Maybe needleturning some small shapes will get me going again on those red scalloped frames.

I know: the more I do it, the easier it will become. I need practice — and patience.




Posted in appliqué, family, needleturn appliqué, Scrabble, update | 3 Comments

In the Lap(kin) of Luxury

Many years ago my sister Diane and I found a set of four oversize napkins at a vintage linen shop in Portland. The proprietor told us they were called “lapkins.” Measuring around 27″ square, each lapkin is beautifully monogrammed with the initials KMG and has a lace insert and faggoting around the edges. We imagined them tucked away in a hope chest as part of a young bride-to-be’s trousseau or laid out at an elegant dinner party where splendidly clad ladies and gentlemen sipped champagne from crystal goblets.

We split the set.My two napkins are still neatly folded away in my linen closet. Diane’s, however, are part of an updated window treatment in her dining room. That window treatment was my home dec project during this two-week visit to her home over Thanksgiving:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
As projects go, it seemed simple: all I had to do was make two squares of fabric that could be draped on point over a curtain rod before the napkins were added. But Diane wanted the fabric seen from the outside to be yellow to match the paint color on the exterior of the house. (Does this sound a little obsessive-compulsive? Like something I would do? It’s a twin thing.)

The solution was a two-tone square:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

I had brought these fabrics with me — part of my stash of quilting cottons — thinking the colors would work well in Diane’s dining room. Isn’t that a gorgeous paisley?Although most of the paisley print is covered by the lapkins, enough can be seen to tie the window treatments in with the rest of the dining room decor:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

The dark print is also a good foil for the detail on the lapkins:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Here’s a look at night, with some sparkly Christmas decorations reflected in the windows:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Now I’m inspired to get my lapkins out of my linen closet and transform them into a window treatment in my own home.





Posted in family, home dec, update | 10 Comments

Making and Baking

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundFriends, I wish you could smell what I am smelling now. My sister’s home is redolent with the yeasty smell of cinnamon rolls that just came out of the oven. We wasted no time in seeing if they tasted as good as they looked. (Boy howdy, did they ever!)

And guess what? Diane and I made them together. It was a first for me. I’m not much of a baker, although I surely do love baked goods.We began the process last night by making a sponge of flour, water, and sourdough starter she received from a dear friend in Maine:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

By morning the sponge had doubled in size. Our proofing station was a stack of cutting boards arranged close enough to the undermount cabinet lights to get the necessary warmth for the sponge to rise.

This morning, we got the baking center prepped . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background. . . and proceeded to transform the sponge into a ball of dough by adding flour and kneading . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background. . . and kneading some more:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
After 25 minutes of kneading, the ball of dough was finally glossy. We rolled it out into a 12″ x 24″ rectangle . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background. . . and started to embellish it:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Here it is ready to roll. Rolling, rolling, rolling:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Once we had a 24″-long log, it was time to cut it into 12 pieces — with string! Take a look:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Then it was time for a second rising under the warm light . . .

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background. . . until they were ready for the oven:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
And finally, this beautiful sight:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

So that’s it for the baking.

And what about the making? Well, between countless games of Scrabble and Diane’s and my discovery of the PBS series Poldark, progress on home dec for Diane and appliqué for my Hazel’s Diary Quilt has slowed. Not to a standstill, however. Look for an update in a couple of days.



Posted in family, update | 5 Comments


What a lovely Thanksgiving feast we had yesterday! Although my sister Diane and her husband Ed have hosted upwards of a dozen people at Thanksgiving in previous years, it was just the four of us this year. My husband Charlie and I look forward to our annual trip to Atlanta which has stretched to a two-week visit since I retired 10 years ago.

Diane sets a beautiful table. She got out the Rosalie Spode that belonged to her mother-in-law and some vintage glassware that could have come directly from the set of Downton Abbey:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
Normally the Christmas decorations don’t come out until after Thanksgiving but a few days ago Diane and I were shopping in downtown Norcross and she spotted a gorgeous one-of-a-kind Christmas tree at a home and garden shop called Good Things. The tree had to come home with us. Diane couldn’t wait to try it out on the built-in buffet in the dining room:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white backgroundIt made our Thanksgiving dinner extra festive.

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
I’m so thankful Charlie and I were able to spend this holiday with my family in Georgia. For those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you also got to spend it with loved ones.

Now, 24 hours later, I am looking forward to the second best thing about Thanksgiving: leftovers!





Posted in family, home dec, update | 7 Comments

Hazel’s Diary Quilt: Block 9, Fancy Farm Girl

When I was at Quilt Camp earlier this month, I made Blocks 9 and 10 of Hazel’s Diary Quilt. Block 9, called Fancy Farm Girl, was quick and fun to make: in the center, a square in a square surrounded by hourglass blocks.

Take a look:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Here is the same block oriented on point as it will be in the finished quilt:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
This block is still awaiting its appliqué in the center and the red scalloped frame around it. You can imagine what mine will look like by viewing designer Shelly Pagliai’s original version:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background
And what about Block 10? I did make it but I am so dissatisfied with my fabric choices that I am going to remake it. You’ll have to wait a bit for that reveal.

In the meantime I have been working on adding that red scalloped frame to the other blocks I have already made. Here is the scalloped frame added to Block 7, Aunt Ruby’s Choice:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

This is my second scalloped frame and I am happy with the result. Here is another look at it against a white background:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

Given that Shelly’s quilt was inspired by her mother Hazel, who grew up on a farm in Missouri in the 1950s, I couldn’t resist showing the block with my own mother’s 50s-era recipe box, now in the possession of my twin sister Diane:

A pattern of green and yellow colors with white background

My fabrics aren’t as evocative of the 1950s as Shelly’s quilt but I am tickled that the fabrics I have chosen are so similar in color to Mother’s recipe box. She died in 2003, a couple years before my love affair with quilting began in earnest, but somehow I know she would approve. Do you think I can wrest that recipe box away from Diane?



Posted in appliqué, family, Hazel's Diary Quilt, needleturn appliqué, update | 9 Comments